T100/4000D is 7 years old, but better as the SX70 due to the sensor-size, and you can combine it with quality lenses.But if you go to a new Canon, go mirrorless, like R7.I do have a G3X, that is not top of the bill, but also, due to its sensor, bette...
Shoot RAW, and minimize noisereduction in DPP.But as I said: I sold my SX70. Use my SX50, and bought as an experiment the Nikon P950. (Which has one huge drawback: no focus adjustment when following a subject!)
Hi Adrienne,Sorry to hear you are still struggling. As I have read there are options to get good jpg results with the SX70. I sold mine, but that's because I only use it as a walkaround.I also have a G3X , and a R6II (with 4 zoomlenses and one simple...
Hi W,I think with the new settings you will make fine pictures with the SX70. It is a nice camera. High IQ, huge range, beautifull colors.But I am a "pixelpeeper", and I miss the crispness of my old SX50.I think you will like DPP. It will improve you...