No Option To Delete Pics After Downloading


I have a Powershot A560 that I use in my real estate business to take property pictures and download them to a folder on my computer (Windows 10 OS).  I USED to see a box to check on the download window on the computer screen, asking if I wanted the pics to be deleted after downloading, in which case I always selected that box.  Now I don't have that same window, and that option to delete after downloading from the camera to the computer.  It also appears that a different program is the default for opening the camera contents when I connect it via the USB cable:  Microsoft Photos 2018.  


Is there any program I can download that would offer the option to delete the photos after they've been downloaded to a folder on my computer?  Right now I am having to manually go into the camera settings and "format" the SD card each time I want to delete photos.



Re formatting is actually a very good thing however Google the now obsolete but very useful program "Picasa" & download it. It's import screen has what you want & a lot more editing options you'll likely use. There aren't future upgrades coming but the program is still very useful & free.

"A skill is developed through constant practice with a passion to improve, not bought."


You make this sound like its a bad thing!

We get people here all the time who regret that they computer automatically deleted the images. It is best practice to make sure the download worked - just click on a few of the images to make sure you have more than the preview - before you take them off the card.

It is a "bad thing" if it involves additional steps and takes away from what used to be a simple and efficient process. By the way, the previous process still required a conscious and manual effort, to check the "delete after downloading" box before the downloading began and in all the years (7+) that I've used this camera in my business, I never regretted using that function, as all of the pictures would download seamlessly before the delete process was employed.
