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I have a Canon PowerShot SX120. Can I shoot resolution 200-300 photos with it? What settings?


What setting do I use to get a 200-300 resolution photo on my Canon PowerShot SX 120 digital camera?





I assume you are talking about 200-300 DPI. The camera records the JPEG's in pixels, not in DPI. If you are looking for DPI, you will need software to convert the JPEG file to a diffferent image format such as TIFF to obtain the resolution that you want.


Steve M.

What softward do you suggest?


You shouldn't worry about DPI for digital photo because it has no meaning at all. It's related to printing and it got miss-used a lot. Whatever highest resolution you get from your camera is what you get, the DPI doesn't matter. What important is the dimension of your photo which is 3,648 x 2,736 for the Powershot SX120.


When someone or some website asks you for image in xxx dpi, what they really mean is you must give them image with enough pixel to be printed with the PRINTER RESOLUTION at xxx-dpi. Note that it is PRINTER resolution, not image.


For example, image from your camera is 3648x2736 pixel. Even when you open the image in any software and it says 72dpi. It doesn't matter. When you send your image to print, from that pixel the maximum size you can print at 300dpi is 12in x 9 in. The same image, if you print at printer resolution of 200dpi will be 18 in x 14 in.


Now, if you want to print your image at 18 in x 14 in but with 300dpi printer resolution, your image needs to be 5400 x 4200 pixel. As you can see, again, it's all about the dimension of your photo not its dpi.



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Thank you so much!
