Canon SX50 True color of a rising moon. Red or Orange


Canon SX50 What settings for capturing red or orange moon rising. Mine comes out white!  Ideas?



It's white because it's over-expose. If you could not zoom in enough, the dark sky will fool your camera metering, thus overexpose the scene and wash out the moon. If you can, set the exposure value manually.

Weekend Travelers Blog | Eastern Sierra Fall Color Guide

Thank you for  taking the time to help me. Karen

I am just getting used to the camera....I do not know what I am doing here.  I tried with the +  and - symbols and it did not work.  It was too dark everywhere and did not pop the color.   I know there is another way but not used to it. I have been telling myself to read the manual to figure HOW to do exposure settings.  Thank you sooooo much for taking the time to help me.  Full moon is here and I want to do better.  Will try again.



There are several tricks to get the moon shots to come out right. Most people attempt the shot as a night shot, and wind up over exposing the shot. Set your ISO to around 125 to 200. Shutter speed will be around 1/320; you may need to try a little higher or lower, but not less than 1/250. If you are using the zoom for a closer view, you will want to use a higher shutter speed, such as 1/320, to reduce camera shake. Using Shutter priority, let the camera select the aperture. Take several shots and see if you want a little darker (- exposure compensation) of lighter (+ exposure compensation). If you want to get real adventurous, you can set the camera to center weighted or spot metering in the functions menu, but for now see how you do with the basics. Then try the other metering methods I mentioned to see if that helps you get what you have in mind.


Good luck and have fun!


Steve "Smack53"
