Can't download pix onto Windows 8 ...


My OS is Windows 8 which according to Canon is compatible for my Power Shot SD 600 ELPH.  But once I connect the camera to my computer a popup says my camera is not recognized and I can't download photos.  Any suggestions?



Hi Perplexed!


Thank you for posting.  What program are you using to attempt to download images from the camera?


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I am told by EOS Utility that my camera is not recognized.  To my knowledge I have downloaded all the necessary software.  Besides EOS Utility I have also downloaded Zoom Browser EX. With Zoom Browser I have tried to click on Acquire and Camera settings but still no connection or recognition. I appear to have a new, additional problem.  When I slide the Mode Switch down to the place letting me download, I do get a picture in the Monitor,  but I cannot playback any photos and in the one photo in the Monitor,  the word SET appears in a little box in the upper left hand corner.  It seems locked.  How can I playback?  I have consulted the Basic guide on playing back and see nothing about the SET icon. 


There is one thing that might be a factor here.  My laptop is a Toshiba Satellite.  The camera cable connecting to the laptop USB port connects rather loosely, perhaps too much.  The cable connection to the camera itself is secure.



EOS Utility is not the application you need to be using.  EOS Utility only works with our EOS Digital SLR cameras.  The application you need to use with your PowerShot SD600 is Camera Window.  Please make sure you have downloaded the latest update to Camera Window DC 8.8 from our website.  The link below will take you to the download page:


PowerShot SD600 Drivers & Software


Also, when the camera is connected and powered on in the playback mode, check to see if it is even being recognized by Windows by checking in the device manager.  To do this, press the [Window+X] keys, then select [Device Manager].


Is the camera listed under Imaging or Portable Devices?


Is there an " ! " or a " ? " next to it?

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