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Backup to SD Cards instead of Computer


When we travel, I normally backup our cameras to my netbook computer, but this trip I need to travel very light. I want to leave the netbook behind. Is there a way to force the Powershots to transfer images to an SD card reader? Normally, it only transfers to computers.



The most common way is to buy more cards or find stores that will copy from your cards to CD's or DVD's.  I haven't read it but here's a lengthy discussion on the topic at one of the forums I belong to.

"A skill is developed through constant practice with a passion to improve, not bought."

After I posted my message I came across this link to B&H on another forum. It solves my problem:

I checked that link and those storage drives are pretty expensive...why not just but a few more cards? Some were $1400.00 and the cheapest was $131 ?

I bought that cheap one. It's just a 350GB hard drive with card slots.


There are two of us and we're taking more pictures every time we travel. We can use an iPad to view one card at a time but not to backup the cards. I like the convenience of backing up every night to just one phone-sized thing instead of a few small cards that are easy to lose.

Consider iCloud upload storage?



iPad is about as far into the world of Apple that I want to go. Besides, we don't always have wifi in the places where we travel.
