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"Scanner not located" error despite being able to print. Imageclass MF229dw


I am really struggling to fix my Imageclass MF229dw.  The printer is on a wired network and works perfectly but the I get an error with the Canon MF toolbox when I try to scan.  It indicated the scanner can not be found.  I had the same issue on my laptop that uses the exact same version of Win 11 and I reinstalled the scanner driver and it now works.  Nothing I try seems to work for the desktop.  I must have erased and re-installed the drivers about 6 times.  Checked the firewall, all is identical to setting on the laptop that works perfectly.  Canon no longer supports this printer and I really don't want to purchase another when it works perfectly on another computer with the same Win 11 pro.  If anyone can help, please let me know.  Does Canon have a paid technical support option?



I don't know if this will work for you, but I had a similar problem with my mf753Cdw. See my post which includes a link to the solution that worked for me. But you need to be sure to follow the instructions step-by-step.

Thanks!  I did see that thread.  Unfortunately it did not work for me.  In both cases, windows indicated that the driver installed was the best one for the device.  Maybe I will try that once again, can't hurt!   Thanks again!!

Same thing happened to me initially a few times.

But, on the page I linked to in my QA, please follow Bellmac's sequence precisely and see how that works for you. (Also note the conversation between Bellmac and Favonian about the same issue).

Ok.  I will do that tonight.  I have been so burned out trying to fix it, I may be glossing over some important steps.

Thanks again!!!

Ok... I tried this just now (vs this evening), but it did not work. I followed Bellmac's sequence precisely.  I even tried once where I had the driver on a usb stick and directed windows to update from there, but nothing.   Any more thoughts?  

I don't know if this will make any difference, but I completely uninstalled everything before following the procedure in that link.

By that I mean I 

  1. Uninstalled the two Canon items in Device manager.
  2. Removed the printer from Printers and Scanners
  3. Uninstalled all the programs that were Canon related (for me that was just things having to do with the printer and scanner).
  4. Rebooted.
  5. Went back to Devices and printers
    1. Add a new printer
    2. Added back the canon printer
  6. Installed (this is for my printer MF753)
    1. Master setup for windows
    2. MF scan utility
  7. At this point the printer worked and the scanner did not.
  8. Then I went through the process in the link for both of the entries in the imaging devices.

So once all is removed, you add the printer via control panel, add a device, Printer and Scanners, or do you allow the Canon utility to add the printer to Windows?   I have be using the Canon Utility to add the printer/scanners to windows and not the windows "add a device".

That is what I had to do because the Canon utility, in my setup, did NOT add the printer to Windows. When I first ran the Canon utility, it was unable to find the printer/scanner. When I checked the Windows Printers and Scanners, there was no sign of that printer. So I added it at that time and then the Canon utility was able to process things.

It sounds as if your problem may be different and not related to mine. But maybe it's worth a try before you call Canon tech support since I don't believe their phone service will be available until Monday.

Yes, for me, the Canon install recognizes the printer with no issues and the install goes flawlessly.  Printer works great, scanner does not communicate.  I have tried to call Canon but since the printer is older they wont even talk to me about tech support.  I do get a discount for another printer however...ugh.  What is so odd is it all works fine on my laptop.  Same Windows version....Going to smash the current printer soon, so maybe i should not dismiss the discount.  LOL   Thanks so much for trying, I really appreciate it!!
