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imageCLASS MF753Cdw Trouble updating firmware


I'm not sure how I'm supposed to post a new topic in this forum, but it's directly related to the firmware update of this printer. Everytime I power the printer on, it immediately says Firmware Update Available at the bottom line of the display. If I attempt to update the firmware via wired ethernet on my home network, it fails with 4 beeps. If I attempt to install and run the PC firmware update software (mf754c-751c_v0401_typea_w.exe) directly from the Canon support site under the actual page for this printer ( it says I already have the most up to date firmware.

Am I a fool or am I stuck in an update loop and need to take this in for service? 


Rising Star

If you haven't, try reinstalling the printer driver using the printer's IP address.


Alternatively, you don't need to update the firmware.  "If it ain't broke..."
I came here trying to find out what the changes are in the new firmware, as I'm always a bit suspicious of mfgs updating their firmware for the sole purpose of making it harder to use non-OEM ink/toner.
In my recollection of history, firmware updates usually include logic to detect and deny the use of non-OEM inks/toners and/or the update address potential security issues which are rarely exploited by hackers.  Rarely do firmware updates actually fix an operational annoyance or provide better user functionality.

Rising Star

I think that not updating the firmware is misguided.  At least for those of us who use the printer for anything important or to help produce income, firmware updates and OEM toner are essential.  

We have different POVs.  I do use my printer for important things as I work from home. Since it is a critical part of my work, "Why would I blindly apply an update if nothing is broken?"  Perhaps you've never been on the wrong side of an update that has at a minimum caused a change or disruption in expected functionality, and at worse, bricked the device.  I have.  And once you get burned like that, you're probably not too fast to just blindly apply updates without knowing what is being addressed by the update. 

I do agree that I have never had a problem with a printer update.  Maybe I've been lucky.  For printers still in production, they usually ship with the newest firmware, so my view is why not have the equivalent of new device.  But then again, I am not worried about being able to use third party toner.  
