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imageCLASS MF414dw "GET ?eSCL" Error


I have a ImageCLASS MF414dw Windows 11 and have the same issue"GET ?eSCL/ScannerCapabilities HTTP/1.1 Host: localhost".  But I HAVE a scanner, but am still have the same statement.  I have updated all the drivers. Any ideas?


Product Expert
Product Expert

Hello Hotinaz,

That issue will come up if an old or incorrect driver is used with Windows 11. In this situation, you can try  reinstalling the MF414dw series MFdrivers from our support site. It would be towards the top of the list and will be highlighted as recommend. 

Before installing the drivers, you can press the Windows key and the letter R key at the same time on your keyboard. In the run box that appears, you can type in control printers and click OK. In the window that comes up, you can right click on any connections for the printer and select the option to remove the device.

Once the connections are gone, you can reinstall the drivers while your security software is turned off.
