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can't install the driver- IJ driver installer has stopped working


IJ driver installer has stopped working when downloading the driver for PIXMA MX 892 in Windows 10 version 1511 for 64 based system

Windows informs that:" a problem caused the program to stop working correctly, etc."Smiley Sad



If anyone is still having troubles with this issue, please try the following:

1. From the Start menu, click Settings, Devices, Printers & Scanners.
2. Towards the bottom of the Printers & Scanners area, turn off Let Windows manage my default printer.
3. Once this has been done, reinstall the drivers again.

You may also have to delete any extra icons of the printer in the Printers & Scanners menu.

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What do you know, that worked! I didn't even want that setting on anyway, I always thought it was stupid that Macs do it that way.

That works!  Well who knew!  I am so happy thank you!!!!

This fix works for me too!!

Worked for me as well!

oh thank you thank you thank you Michael!

Excellent advice Michael.  This solved the identical problem I suddenly began to have with my pixma came out of the blue long after I had changed to Windows 10.

Michael, the f***** boss!! Smiley Surprised

Thanks!  Finally all is well!
