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Scanner Driver error on Canon MF451dw


I'm unable to resolve a Scanner Driver Not Found error on a brand new MF451dw.  I've tried both Win10 drivers multiple times.  Has anyone been able to fix this?


Product Expert
Product Expert

Hello Danlyons,

If you are getting that message when trying to use the scanner, it will usually mean there was a problem during the driver installation. You can try reinstalling (MF455dw MFDrivers (Generic Plus UFR II / Generic Plus PCL6 / Generic Plus PS3 / Generic FAX / ScanGear) from our support site using the link HERE. Before starting the install, I would suggest turning off any security software that might prevent the installation from completing successfully.

If connected via USB, you can press the Windows key and the letter R key at the same time on your keyboard. In the run box that appears, you can type in devmgmt.msc and click OK. In the device manager window that appears, you can select the option for Universal Serial Bus controllers. You can right click and then select the option to uninstall any USB printer support connections for the printer. Once the connections have been uninstalled, you can disconnect the cable and leave it disconnected until the install prompts you to connect the cable.

If you continue to have issues, I would suggest contacting support at 1-800-652-2666. our agents would be happy to assist.
