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Scan not working MF269dw


Image class MF269dw. After working properly for a couple of years I attempted to scan a document to the computer. On the menu under scan I touch computer, it comes up “connect the computer” It is connected as it has always been.


Rising Star

Thanks for joining the conversation, kurtharrell!

So that the Community can help you better, we need to know exactly which operating system is running on your computer (i.e. Windows or macOS, and which version thereof). That, and any other details you'd like to give will help the Community better understand your issue!

If this is a time-sensitive matter, click HERE search our knowledge base or find additional support options HERE.

Thanks and have a great day!


Thank you for your kind response. I sorry to say there is little more that I can add other than the operating system is Windows 10. It seems to be working normally. The printing function is working just fine. I seldom try to fax anything so I don’t have anything to add there. I will say my experience over the years has been when these sort of things arise the problem turns our to be software.   I’m virtually helpless when I get into that. I'm on AT&T and for years they offered a service to assist in correcting these sort of problems. They discontinued that a couple of years ago, to my dismay.

Hello Kurtharrell,

To be able to scan properly to your Windows 10 computer, the MFscan Utility would need to be installed and operational. The program would be found in your list of installed programs under the folder marked Canon Utilities.

You can install the program by downloading and installing the [Windows 32bit & 64bit] MF Scan Utility Ver. from our Canon USA support site. Once installed, you can try scanning again to see if it starts to respond. 

We have a phone support team that would be happy to assist with your MF 269dw and your scanning issues. You can contact support over the phone at 1-800-652-2666 between 8am and 8pm Monday-Friday. Our agents would be happy to assist.


Were you ever able to get this issue resolved? My 

MF269dw II literally just stopped scanning. 

The Scan Utility has stopped working between wifi connected devices under windows 11.  I have installed the latest version on 4 computers, 1 running windows 10, 3 running windows 11.

Windows 10 computer on wifi works (scans) with Canon mf269dw on wired connection, same router.

Windows 11 computer on wifi fails with Canon wired.

Windows 11 wifi fails with Canon wifi

Windows 11 wired works with Canon wired.

The failures all report the same error, "Cannot communicate with the scanner."  However, the network scanner selector tool can see it, and has the correct MAC.

PS: mf269dw has latest firmware, loaded today

After speaking with Ken of Canon support, he advises me that this is a known issue with Windows 11 Version 24H2.  I'm told that Microsoft is working on a fix, and Canon is trying to provide a workaround.  It affects multiple brands of scanners. 

You can try putting both devices on a wired network connection, if that is an option for you, and it might possibly help you get things to work until there is a proper software repair from Microsoft, and/or an update from Canon which allows their software to avoid the problem.
