Scan multiple pages into single PDF with ImageClass MF634Cdw


I have a Mac (macOS Sierra v. 10.12.6)

I have Canon MF Scan Utility v 1.6.0


Under settings/Data Format I have 2 PDF options; PDF & PDF (divide into single page files) I selected “PDF.” There is no option saying PDF (multiple pages) as I’ve read in my Google searches for other Canon scanners. 


I tried scanning from feeder & my 1st 2 pages were saved as 2 separate files.  So I gave up.


Anyone know?




May I ask how you got to that screen Houdini1031? I can't seem to figure out how to scan multiple pages into one document either. I am trying to do so from the glass, not the feeder.  Thank you!


Thanks!  I actually did find the Canon MF Scan Utility. Mine is probably older software, as I did not have an option for "scan both sides." I did get it to work for the glass (I wasn't scanning in the feeder) by going down to "DATA FORMAT" and clicking "PDF" (not "PDF (DIvide in to single-page files)"   ).  Then it worked like a charm-the LCD screen on the printer actually gave me the option to "scan next" and then you click "finish" when you are all done.

Dear Margaret4,


Thank you for taking the time to relay your experiences.   I thank you for your input.

I have revised my post to include improved illustrations regarding how to find the Scan Utility and the Settings segment.


I'm very pleased you were able to find a solution ... I appauld your perserverance.   We can all help one another.

I ussually use scan to cloud or email for scan.  This may work for desktop scanning, but what about when you scan to a cloud drive? There is checkmark box in plane site LOL under the "Settings/Registeration" ... "Store Access File Settings" ... "Scan Settings" ... "Edit" ... "Divide Into Pages".  I assumed that was the setting for it if when not set. But that did not make a difference.

