
Hello ! I have a Canon MF8280Cw connected wirelessly through wifi to all my computers (all mac os). I used to be able to scan wirelessly with no flaws but for some reason now i am not. Mac shows Error code: 2100010



Hi titaniuminc!


I will be glad to assist you.


It appears that the scanner may no longer be recognized in the network settings.  Please follow the instructions below to verify the printer is listed in the network settings of the Canon MF Toolbox program:


1.  Select [Applications] under [GO].

2.  Select [Canon MF Utilities] > [MF Toolbox 4.9].

3.  You may receive an error that the scanner is not connected.  This is fine.

4.  Click [MF Toolbox] next to the Apple icon in the left corner of the screen and select [Network Settings].

5.  Select the [MF8200C Series], and then click on the [+] symbol and select [Add].


After performing the steps above, please perform a scan again.


I hope this information is helpful to you.  Should the error persist, please call us at 1-800-OK-CANON (1-800-652-2666) for further assistance.

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This isnt working, keeps giving me the same error.

Thank you for your reply.


Are you scanning using the [Remote Scanner] or [Computer] scan option?


I look forward to your reply.  Should you need immediate assistance, please contact us at 1-800-OK-CANON (1-800-652-2666).

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Remote scanner i believe




I am having the same problem with my MF8280cw printer using a MacBook Pro and OSX 10.10.5. I followed your posted instructions for adding the scanner with MF Toolbox- which worked only for adding the scanner.  I am still able to print but not scan wirelessly.


This is the error message I get when using either the Canon software or Preview (Also, the printer does not appear in the "Import" menu of Adobe Photoshop CS5.):


Cannot scan because of the following:

- Scan type set on the scanner is incorrect
- Scanner is busy
- Error occurred in the scanner
- Scanner is in Sleep mode

Check the scanner status and try again.
Scanner driver will be terminated.

Error code: 2100010


On the printer, I still have a blinking red light on the LCD and an error message, "Cannot use Cloud printing.  Check settings from Remote UI"


Thanks for any suggestions you can offer


Like many of you (us) I too spent a ton of time researching this particular situation, but... in Canon's defense this is actually a GOOD security practice. I will explain why following what I say is the "fix?" (not really a fix) work-around to make this happen. While AT the scanner, press the "SCAN" button. You _HAVE_ to be AT the scanner, select the scanner menu, and begin scanning "To Computer." (It's a setting where you wish to scan-to inside that 'scan menu.') Once you set it to "computer" and begin scanning, you'll see it (magically) appear in your scanner software of choice. I TOO recall I USED to be able to sit back (across the room for example) - go to printers, then select 'scan' and if I recall, it would just 'scan' and all would be fine. ...BUT, think about this: In a small office environment, if payroll (for example) were scanning employees checks (to copy them for what ever reason) this PREVENTs someone at/in a remote office from 'running the scanner on them while the checks are on the glass' by accident. Sorry, that's my quick reasoning and I hope I typed it well enough to easily understand/understand why. Help any?

Thanks for taking the time to respond to my question.  In the interim since I originally posted I was able to solve the problem and, yes, it is as simple as you've written.   Everything appears to be working correctly now. 

We have a Toshiba laptop that the printer will not recognize. Not listed in the available computers on the printer, uninstalled and reinstalled printer drivers and ToolBox. ToolBox won't open on computer for Scan to. any ideas? Is there a windows 10 setting I should check that may be blocking the printer from talkig to the computer?


Followed inst. but still not able to scan.