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MF733CDW Prints with black line


I have a Canon MF733CDW printer and for some reason, it has started to print a solid black line approx: 2" from the right side of the paper.

I have cleaned the black cartridge on the roller, wiped it dry, and inserted it back in the printer but it is still doing it.

I am using Windows 10 Pro and this issue has just started.

Can anyone help?


Product Expert
Product Expert


The issue you are describing looks like there is something wrong with the black toner cartridge or the hardware. 

You can try removing the toner from the printer and checking the toner loading area for any loose toner powder that you can wipe up with a damp cloth. While the toner is out of the printer, you can also check the toner cartridge to see if any of them are leaking. 

After cleaning any loose toner powder and replacing any leaking toner cartridges, you can perform a set of cleaning for the ITB and fixing unit. If that does not resolve the issue, it looks like the printer needs service. In that situation, you can try contacting support over the phone at 1-800-652-2666 or logging into your MyCanon account to check your service options.
