MF227DW Scan Problems from scanner to computer


Hello, everything was working just fine until recently.  I usually scan from the MF227DW by: select scan type > computer > select destination > custom 1 > confirm destination.  Today I receive the following error on my computer: "MF Toolbow that is supported by the scanner you are using may not be installed on your computer. Install the appropriate MF Toolbox, and then perform the operation again."


However, when I scan FROM MF Toolbox 4.9 > custom 1 > Start > it scans. Actually this is not only problem with "custom 1", I have the same resolt with everything else.

I tried to reinstall MF Toolbox 4.9 and restart my PC but nothing changes


I much prefer to scan from the scanner because I don't want to keep walking back and forth.  I have a PC with Windows 8.1.


Thank you for your help.



I just purchased a new computer; the MF227dw prints well but the scanner won't connect w/the computer. I'm using Windows 10/64. I get an error msg: "Can't connect to scanner. Please try connecting a recognized scanner".


I've tried removing the software, disconnecting the unit from the computer, restarting the computer and nothing works.


Can you help me?

Hi agoretsky,


Before you added the printer to your new computer, did you download and install the Windows 10 drivers, MF Toolbox, and Patch for Network Scan, USB Scan from our web site?


If you need immediate assistance and you're in the USA, please click for our US-based support. If you're outside of the US, please click for support options.

