LBP6230dw: can't install driver & paper jam?


I just got a imageClass LBP6230dw and it's so far the worst piece of hardware I've ever bought and I wish I was joking.

1/ I can't install the drivers via UBS. I tried all the ways I've found online so far: when I click Network Setting Tool --> CHAN1STK.exe the USB option is grayed out. I changed the cords, turned on/off the printer, followed instructions step by step and still grayed out. I've re-downloaded the drivers. I've now been on hold for 1.5 hours and counting and figured maybe someone at Canon reads these boards.


2/ This is a brand new printer. I obviously have not been able to print anything, yet the paper jam button continues to blink! I rechecked to make sure all stickers were gone, I shook up the toner, I replaced the toner with a brand new one, and it still blinks. 


What are my options here. I'll take any suggestions. I've tried all the above steps on two computers and both don't work. 



Purchased this printer (imageClass LBP6230dw) two days ago. Been a Network Engineer/Programmer since 1974. Not my first rodeo. Had no difficulty setting up printer, i.e. drives, etc. WILL NOT FREAKING PRINT. Paper continuously jams. Have not been able to print one (1) page. Removed cartridge, replaced with new one...same results. Guess I should have stayed with the HP Products. Have never had an issue with HP.
