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Canon iR-ADV C5235 - Disable Auto-rotation during scanning


Hi all,


I am having an issue with a Canon iR-ADV C5235, when I scan a flattened product box it is automatically rotating the scanned job. I believe the cause is that it is trying to take a reference point like 'Nutritional Facts'  and using that box as the top, when in reality it should be upside down and the rest of the image upright.


I have attempted rotating the page different ways when scanning but it always comes out the same way, I've been told this is a "smart feature" of many newer model copiers but I cannot find a way to shut it off in the remote UI. The only way to fix this is by manually rotating the pdf after it has been scanned, which is okay but with the volume I need to scan it would be a lot of extra time wasted.


Hopefully my problem desciption is clear, but I can upload an example if necessary.





Hi, I am a newbie here, too. Do you have some file image rotation tools to recommended to us? I want to find one whose way of processing is simple and fast. Thanks in advance.




Best regards,

