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Canon Imageclass MF3010 scanner won't work


I just bout a new Windows 11 laptop 2 months ago for school.  I just bought a Canon Imageclass MF3010 laser printer with built-in scanner last night for new school projects.  I can print fine, but the scanner doesn't function at all.  I installed the toolbox from the Canon website, but it tells me a supported scanner is not installed.  Please insert a supported scanner, and then restart Toolbox.

I downloaded the drivers directly from the Canon website because this laptop doesn't have a CD drive.  Since they didn't work, I did also try to update the drivers through Windows.  It took a bit at first to get the printer to recognize, but that part functions.  Now how do I get the scanner to work?


Product Expert
Product Expert

Hello Mobile2371,

The issue you are describing point to a problem with the scanner driver installing on the computer properly. In this situation, you can try reinstalling the drivers from our website using the link HERE while any security software is disabled.

If the scan utility still tells you that a supported scanner is not installed, I would suggest contacting support at 1-800-652-2666. Our agents can check what might be preventing the drivers from installing on your computer.
