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Which is the best professional camera? let me know the configurations.


hello all

 I own a construction company that is Mls Roofing. I have uploaded some images in my site. But, i am not satisfied with them. When i compare those images with other websites. My images are a little deem. Why?



You shouldn't need a top of the line camera for what I suspect you're trying to capture. You most likely need to learn how to properly shoot what ever it is you want at shutter speeds that prevent camera shake induced blur.

"A skill is developed through constant practice with a passion to improve, not bought."

@mlsroofing wrote:

hello all

 I own a construction company that is Mls Roofing. I have uploaded some images in my site. But, i am not satisfied with them. When i compare those images with other websites. My images are a little deem. Why?

Don't expect a professional camera to improve your pictures much, unless you're already an excellent photographer. Better equipment will make almost any photographer better, but how much better depends on how good the photographer already is. The better you are, the more difference better equipment makes. A professional camera in the hands of a mediocre photographer will make little difference, because the photographer won't have the knowledge and skill to take advantage of the camera's advanced features. Poor composition and technique are nearly independent of the camera used.

It may be that what you need is to have some work done by a professional photographer (and/or a professional Web site designer). For the same reason that your clients need a professional roofer.

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania USA


You want and need one of the G series Canon P&S.  The G15 and G16 are very good and will do all the work for you.

The G1x is the top of the line right now.  With a top of the line price, too, I might add.

EOS 1D, EOS 1D MK IIn, EOS 1D MK III, EOS 1Ds MK III, EOS 1D MK IV and EOS 1DX and many lenses.

Agree with Bob. I cannot go to home depot, buy the most expensive roofing material, and install it myself then expect it to come anywhere near your expertise. Same thing with camera, instead of spending money on the camera, you can hire some one to do it. After all, you want to spend time on your job to make money, not wasting time on something else to save a little money. All of the answers are just out of our good heart, no offense or harm intend.


But if you insist, like Ebiggs said for Point and Shoot camera you can get the G series. For DSLR, you can get the 5D Mark III or 1DX and some L-lens. For your purposes, 24-105 F4L is a good one.

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I agree with all the above. 


That said, I thought your webpage looked fine (other than the "About Us" page is broke), for its purpose.  I don't expect professional level photos of the men working on a roof.  It just wouldn't do anything for me, and I'm a photographer.  The little photos you have serve their purpose, they provide some illustrations of the services you provide.  I want you to be good at those services, I couldn't care less about how good of a photographer you are.  There's one or two that are blurry, but a simple point and shoot is sufficient for that.  The picture of the roof tiles is good enough.  It's simple and to the point.


Now, if you want to put a large picturesque photo of say a house on the main page, I could see that looking nice. I wouldn't focus on a roof, just a nice photo of a house.  It's a generally pleasing image for most people (everyone loves their home) that relates to the work you do.   But truthfully I'd just get a house picture off a stock photo site.  They're dime a dozen. 


All that said, if I was to fix your website, I would focus on the wording, not the photos.  Maybe it's because that's what I do, but many of the sections are written poorly, like they went through an online translator.  I find that more off-putting than the photos.  I'd recommend having someone with a good command of English just give it a quick once over.  It's not terrible, but I noticed it more than the photos.  There's also some simple layout issues with the webpage.

Best reply!


Also worth noting that professional camera generally feature hi resolution imagery which isn't in much demand in web applications.
