Using Disc Tray J to print PVC ID Cards


If you are having issues printing PVC ID cards in Disc Tray J here is one very important step that Canon "help support" failed to tell me and that was to change the Media Type to Printable disc (others).  They told me to check my paper size and make sure it was on Disc Tray J, and the paper source.  The paper source defaulted to cassette and didn't give any options to change it.  Once I change the Media Type it all fell in place.  I discovered this on my own minutes before throwing it out the window.  Brainstorm ID ([link removed per forum guidelines]) has a perfect template for Microsoft Word (plus other formats) to make ID cards if you don't already have one.  Many articles I read wanted me to use Photoshop stating the ID cards worked best when formated as a "photo".  I made mine in Word (as a template) and it looks great.


Not sure if your using the Word template from Brainstorm, but I did and this is what I did.  Once I saved the template, I then set my Canon Pixma MG7720 printer up as follows:

File > Print > Printer Properties

Quick Setup 

>Commonly Used Settings Tab


>Media Type

>>Other Papers (select) Printable Disc

>Printer Paper Size

>>Disc Tray J

>Print Quality


>Paper Source

>>Disc Tray


Do not know if this will help you or not, hope so.

I'm not very good with computers at all,so in not to sure about a couple of things,when you say template are you talking about the layout tool from brainstorm that starts off with. Generate PDF?

Good Morning Tmaxout909

This is a link to the template, I selected the Microsoft Word template


[Mod Note: Link removed per FORUM GUIDELINES - further violations could lead to being banned from the Canon Community. Please read the Guidelines in their entirety.]


Need to scroll down til you see "Canon J Tray Templates" (I used Word - Vertical)


Have to leave for work, let me know if this helps.



They took the link off could you email it too me [private info removed per forum guidelines]

OMG thank you so much,I did what you said but if course I ran into a problem,for some reason I don't have word,so I downloaded pimp but like I told you in not that good with computers,I was totally lost,so I generated the PDF saved it,then I printed that way and it worked yea!!!it came on the cards the only thing is the picture was too small on card I need it bigger so it fits the whole card...

Any ideas

You should be able to resize the photo.  When you click on the photo there should be "dots" on each corner. Click on one and drag it to enlarge the size.  There is a "circle" at the top, in the middle that when you click you can rotate the photo box.  Need to play around with it some.  Just remember to save your original so you always have that to go back to when you need to.

Love your post, it answers the issues with those using Photoshop.  I use Paintshop, and have yet to get it figured out.

Hi there,

I have same problem and can't change source to J Tray.

as the links on forum is hidden, can you please email me your solution to shinaf [at] gmail [dot] com

I have window 10 and I designed in word file but when I want to print it, it send it to paper source! :((

- Thanks

Thanks for the help.  Printing PVC cards can really be frustrating.  I do not have Photoshop so your information/guidelines do not help me, but I hope they help others.  I received all my help/advise/guidance from Brainstorm, where I purchased my PVC cards from.  Their info has helped resolve my issues every time.  Great company, great customer service.
