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New Camera Choice T7i or T8i (or if really worth it 90D)


Good day all, I am soon to be a Canon user. I look forward to joining what appears to be a great community. I fish a lot, metal detect (treasure hunt,) just got into mushroom hunting, and I love taking macro pictures, and nature scenes. I have the Nikon D3500 and love it but my wife wants a touch screen and gave me the OK to get a new camera for our first trip to Iceland 🙂 Her friend has the T7i so I was thninking of that or the T8i and invest in the 18-55 f2.8 for the trip along with the Rokinon 16 mm f/2 that I purchased prematurely after doing some research before joining this community. 

I would like help deciding on the better of the 2 cameras that I mentioned above. (or if really worth it, the 90D, which would cut down on lens options due to budget) I am an amateur with aspirations but mainly want to enlarge some of my own photos and frame them since friends on Facebook keep telling me to do so. In terms of functions on the body, I  found that I like to adjust ISO's and exposure manually, and have never used the premade setting on the Nikon. I may still choose to do so though on a new camera though. 

I would also like some lense suggestions as well please. I really only used my Nikon nifty fifty and the kit 70-300 lens. Both served me well but I was hoping for a little better quality for the zoom and with image stabilization since I have a slight essential tremor and not the steadiest 🙂


Thanks everyone for your help


I appreciate everybody's input here it's been really helpful. I decided to stick with the T8i that my wife found comfortable, and invested in better lenses. I got the Sigma 18-35mm, a used Canon 100mm IS Macro, a new canon 70- 200mm f/4L, and a 35mm macro IS because it is so fun and light.

"... and a 35mm macro IS because it is so fun and light."


I see little value in adding another 35mm even though it is or claims to be a macro lens. I really doubt you will use it much after using the Sigma 18-35mm f1.8 Art lens.  I will grant you the Siggy zoom is not light so that might be an issue if "lightness" is a factor.


What brand name is the 35nn macro?


"I decided to stick with the T8i ..."


I'm good with that. It is the best Rebel Canon ever made and if both of you like it, that a win. Now slap that Siggy on it and go make some great photos.


EOS 1D, EOS 1D MK IIn, EOS 1D MK III, EOS 1Ds MK III, EOS 1D MK IV and EOS 1DX and many lenses.

I got the Canon EF-S 35mm f/2.8 Macro IS STM. I tried it out before returning the first T8i and it was awesome on showing details on coins and buttons I found metal detecting, and on fly patterns I tied for fly fishing. I also love taking pics of bugs and mushrooms 🕷🐜🐞🐝🌻🌼🌷

My favorite lens on my Nikon D3500 was the 50mm f 1.8, so even though its overkill with the 100mm, I'll probably use it often for walks .

Sounds like a plan, go for it! Smiley Happy

EOS 1D, EOS 1D MK IIn, EOS 1D MK III, EOS 1Ds MK III, EOS 1D MK IV and EOS 1DX and many lenses.

I appreciate your responses EB! Thanks for all the help. One more question. Do I need the expensive ring mount for the zoom lens and do I need a specific tripod mount for the Rebel? I have a tripod but when I sold my Nikon, forgot the mount was on the camera and spare was in the bag that went with it. In other words are mounts camera and tripod specific?

I would suggest it might be tripod specific (not knowing your exact setup) but the Rebel itself will be the same as the Nikon. I would go slowly and shoot for a while and just see what additional gear you may need. Sometimes buying right off quickly means buying twice. Not as much fun!

EOS 1D, EOS 1D MK IIn, EOS 1D MK III, EOS 1Ds MK III, EOS 1D MK IV and EOS 1DX and many lenses.

Great advice! Thanks! I am done buying for a while 😄 I just figured I get what I needed while my wife was still willing to budget it😉

Best thing is to get her interested in photography. Then buying isn’t as hard to explain.
EOS 1D, EOS 1D MK IIn, EOS 1D MK III, EOS 1Ds MK III, EOS 1D MK IV and EOS 1DX and many lenses.

Great advice my friend! 🙂
