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Canon 10 X 30 IS Binoculars - sticky Rubber Coating


I have a 10 X 30 IS binocular [serial number deleted for privacy].  The rubberized coating is disintegrating and has become very sticky.  I see others have had this problem with other high end models.  How do I improve the condition or get them repaired?  They work perfectly but are very uncomfortable to use.



Mine has the exact same problem. It's so disappointing. I hope you get a reply with an answer.

Dust with talcum powder?

Canon EOS T7; EF-S 18-55mm IS; EF 28-135mm IS; EF 75-300mm; Sigma 150-600mm DG

One must find out what this cover material is made of, probably a synthetic leather imitation. I have seen (felt) this on a camera or two, with a black coating, so I would venture to say it is normal evaporative degradation. However, there must be some kind of gentle cleaner (diluted dish washing liquid), that can be wiped across it with a gentle bristle toothbrush in a circular motion, and then a water based
sprayed airbrush coating with everything else
masked off as best as possible. This might soak into the covering
and fortify it in some way. Just my 2 cents, don't take it as gospel. Thank you, I am a new member.


Yup.... mine too....same model bought about 10 years ago. Rubberized covering has been degrading for a while despite being stored on a shelf in my study between use and rarely being used outside. Very sticky and covered in fingerprints now.

Hard to believe that a company of Canons reputation would fail to check whether a main component of such sophisticated binoculars was actually stable or not. Hopefully it hasn't degraded to anything toxic but who knows? I think the least Canon could do would be to apologise for their error and confirm that the binos are still safe to handle

My IS binoculars have been getting worse and worse for years until this year they finally melted down till they felt like a melted blob of tar. Totally unusable. They even deposited goopy rubber onto my fingers.

I tried some of the on-line suggestions - which only made them worse - but I was determined to bring them back because they still worked so well.

It occurred to me that lacquer (the kind intended to finish wood and metals) has a reputation for being able to coat and dry over any previous finish, so as a desperate last measure, I decided to try using this to coat them. I simply covered the eyepieces with a couple of medicine bottle caps, cut a little piece of masking tape to cover the power button,  and stood them on a small board. objective lenses down. I sprayed them with lacquer from a spray can (Rustoleum brand works well and sprays nicely). The lacquer dries quickly - in about 30 minutes if you don't spray too thickly. I gave them four coats and let them dry overnight. About a week later I gave them a final coat.

The results are excellent. The stickyness is completely gone and they feel and work great. Of course they look a bit different - somewhat shiny, and lumpy where the worst of the goopyness was - but frankly, I like the look - the well-worn feeling of old friends (after all, I have had them for over ten years!) and not having them look spiffy-new probably makes them less likely to be pinched. They still work as well as the day I got them.

One caution - avoid breathing in the laquer spray. Do it in a well ventilated space and maybe use a fan to blow away the over-spray. This whole job took about 30 minutes - not counting drying time.

ready to lacquer.jpgready to lacquer.jpg


I have the same problem, as I'm sure everyone who purchased them also has, whether they post here or not. This is obviously a manufacturing defect, albeit one that doesn't manifest until well after the warranty has expired. Canon USA should offer owners either free repair or a deeply discounted replacement. I love these binocs and expected them to last a lifetime with good care. I will never buy another Canon product unless this problem is addressed to my satisfaction.


I have the same issue on these lightly used bino's.    I called the service support line and "they are unaware of any such problem"!!!.... HA! I can't stand the sticky and hadn't seen these post until I signed up here and already authorized a $250 repair!  Very disappointed in Canon for not fixing this product defect!


Well, I sent mine to Canon for a repair estimate and just received notice that I would be charged $250. I will call today and tell them to return my sticky, melting binocs and that I will never purchase another Canon product. Btw, my 30-year-old Bausch and Laumb 10x50's still perform and feel as new, as does my 35-year-old Nikon SLR camera. Bye-bye, Canon.

Hello. Per my post just before yours above, I rejected Canon's $250 repair authorization and the binos are on their way back to me. If you would do me a favor, I would very much appreciate it. Assuming that you have access to the serial # of the pair you sent them, could you check the ones you receive back and see if they are the same or not? I have seen others who authorized repair state that they were "as good as new". What I want to know is whether they are actually able to repair them or are simply replacing them. My suspicion is the latter. However, if they are able to somehow restore the rubberized coating, I plan to ask them to share information on how owners might best attempt the process ourselves (at our own risk, of course).

Thanks in advance.

