Can I scan 110 film negatives on the canoscan 9000f?


I am contemplating buying the canoscan 9000f, but I will need to be able to scan 110mm film format. Can I do this on the canoscan 9000f? I have seen an adapter for that film size on ebay and amazon (oddly enough, cannot find it on Canon), but the price is prohibitive. Can I scan negatives without any holder - in other words, just lay the film directly on the glass platen and scan the negatives in that way? 


Product Expert
Product Expert

Hello greenbeaner.


The 9000F can only scan 35mm negatives, 35mm slides and 120 format film.


Other film types are not supported with this scanner.

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You did not answer the part of my original question that asked, "Can I scan negatives without any holder - in other words, just lay the film directly on the glass platen and scan the negatives in that way?" Please answer this. 

Hello greenbeaner.


Unfortunately, film cannot be scanned outside of the film guides.  The film would not be detected properly.


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Hi Greenbeaner,


You can scan 110 format negatives in this scanner. However, the quality of scans will be poorer as compared to standard Nikon 9000ED scans. But, this is worth it if you are not a  proffessional and just looking to get your scans digitized.

Hi praveenkashmir,


You say you can scan 110 format negatives with the Canonscan 9000f!


Canon product expert says that it can not be done.

He says the 9000F can only scan 35mm negatives, 35mm slides and 120 format film. Other film types are not supported with this scanner. Also unfortunately, film cannot be scanned outside of the film guides.  The film would not be detected properly.


I tried anyway by loading some colour 110 film strips across the 120 format film guide supplied and selected scan. A prescan was attempted but a Scangear message window opened stating 'Cannot detect any film'.


I would appreciate your advise in detail on how you succeeded please.

  I found a useful article online called:  "How to Scan Odd (Non-Standard) Size Film Negatives on a CanoScan 8800F Scanner -Made Easy".


  Here's the URL:


  I have a Canoscan 9000f, and I guess it is similar to the 8800f.


  Under the scanner lid, remove the white and black background panel.  Center the 110 negative on the glass and close the lid.


  When you get into the Canon MP Navigator software, you want to Scan and Import -- Film.  Click on the little box that says "Use the scanner driver."  Then click on "Open Scanner Driver."  That sends you to the ScanGear Advanced Mode settings.


   The first time I did this, I could not understand why many choices were grayed out. 


    You have to click on PREVIEW    !!


     When I did this, I got an error message:  "The film could not be detected.  Please check if the Select Source is correct, or confirm if the film is set correctly and execute preview again.  Otherwise, please switch off the thumbnails view mode."


    That last part was the key  -- the thumbnails switch is in the upper left corner of the screen.  There's a little Slide icon and a little Negative icon.  Click on this "switch", and when the Negative icon shows up in color, you are set to go.


    Now, when you click on PREVIEW, your 110 negative should appear.  Now just "crop" the 110 negative:  move the cursor over one corner of the negative, hold down the left mouse button, move to the diagonally opposite corner, release the mouse button.


    Delete the black box (if there is one)  in the upper left of the scan area.


     Now click on SCAN.  When it finishes scanning, you can choose to "Retouch and save the image (Close ScanGear dialog)".  When you close ScanGear, you will wind up back in the MP Navigator. 


    In the Scan Complete box, click on exit.


    Then SAVE your scan under a new name (not IMG).


    Then you can Open the image in a good photo-editing software.  I use PhotoShop Elements.  There you will need to crop each individual photo on the 110 strip, and save each photo under a different name.


   I think you can use the same technique on other sized negatives.



  A good article about negative sizes is: "About Film Formats - Slides, Negatives, & Transparencies"  at .







I'm an Epson user muddling around here because my wife is a Canon devotee.  I don't know how the 9000f works but I can tell you that you don't want the transparencies to lie flat on the glass of the scanner.  The results will not be satisfactory, never mind the details.


I made two different negative holders for my Epson flatbed that accepted 127 film and 116/616 film.  These hold the negs above the glass and let me scan these odd-sized negatives.  I'm sure similar holders can be made for any flatbed scanner.


Good luck.

Hi Frichardfolkert, 


How high off the surface are the negatives held, using your homebuilt neg holders? I don't own the 9000F yet, but do you elevate the odd size negatives the same amount that they are held off the glass in the Canon 35mm holder?





Thank you for taking the time to send all that information. Because of your help, I have more confidence in making a decision to purchase the canoscan9000f, since one of the main things I wanted to use it for was digitizing my old 110 negs.


