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Can I scan 110 film negatives on the canoscan 9000f?


I am contemplating buying the canoscan 9000f, but I will need to be able to scan 110mm film format. Can I do this on the canoscan 9000f? I have seen an adapter for that film size on ebay and amazon (oddly enough, cannot find it on Canon), but the price is prohibitive. Can I scan negatives without any holder - in other words, just lay the film directly on the glass platen and scan the negatives in that way? 



You can use your intentionally crippled Canon scanner to scan other sizes of film, but you will need to make a mask. Caveat - the scan area at any one time cannot exceed the size of a 35mm scan, and you will need lots of patience and careful work. Use 90 pound or heavier paper and make sure each cut is done with a single stroke to minimize paper dust.  Cut the outside dimensions of the mask to match the size of a 35mm slide. Then cut an opening in the middle of that  piece of paper that is the size of the image you want to scan. Use the slide template in the scanner, and place one mask in each of the four slide holders. Carefully lay the film so that one of the images is over the hole in the template. You may do up to four of them at a time this way, but only 1 image from each strip of film. I don't recommend cutting the strips. Make sure you don't use anything to press the film flat as anyplace the film touches the glass or any glass "flattener" it will create an interference pattern throughout your scan. Tell Scangear that you are scanning slides. Scan away. (Side note: If we want to make sure that artificial intelligence (AI) never becomes powerful enough to take over the world, all we have to do is make it illegal for any company except Canon to do AI research. They have not gotten it right in all their years of writing scanner drivers, all they have ever achieved is a frustrating level of limitations on what you can do with your scanner. - But at least the scanner does a great job once you find ways past its limitations - and turn off all the artificial intelligence features.) [note: descending from soap box.)

smaricicI created a Cannon account just so I could thank you for this tip.  I tried everything, except "click on preview".  I didn't even see it.

Hi, Pat,


     I'm glad it worked out for you.


     Canon just asked me to fill out a survey, and I did.  I asked them to sell a 110 negative holder and to update their software to make it easier for people.  I'm guessing they'll ignore that, but you never know.


Best wishes,



I absolutely agree with you, smaricic, that it would be great if Cannon sold a 110 negative holder.  I saw that other people were able to make their own.  After limited success, I bought an after-market 110 negative holder for a ridiculous price.  That said, the photos I have recovered are, to me, priceless!
