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rebel auto focus problems

why is there an autofocus/manual on the left hand side of the lense if you already change that on the right hand side of your camera??? it because the camera button is diff from the lense??...i just had to recently buy another lense cuz mine was damaged somehow ...i never had to deal with this for the first 3 yrs of owning my camera...any insights will help me...:)

@RobertTheFat wrote:

@John_SD wrote:

@slorff wrote:
why is there an autofocus/manual on the left hand side of the lense if you already change that on the right hand side of your camera??? it because the camera button is diff from the lense??...i just had to recently buy another lense cuz mine was damaged somehow ...i never had to deal with this for the first 3 yrs of owning my camera...any insights will help me...:)

Sorry, but your post doesn't make any sense. Download and read the manual. I feel confident that your answer lies there.


Er ... you're addressing that suggestion to someone who bailed from this thread more than three years ago.


Better late than never, I say. 🙂


Hi! I tried the youtube link and it's no longer available. Any chance you know where it was moved to or have more info on who posted it so that I can find it/them? Thanks!
