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intervalometer issue with T7i


Hi all, first time on this forum. I've read a few other posts to see if this is an issue but didn't see anything so sorry if this is a repeat question.

I recently decided to try my hand at night sky photography. Since I'm living outside of the city lights I can see the night sky very well. Watched a few youtube videos, bought an intervalometer and things went well at first. A couple of successfull nights out in tthe backyard. Last week I was shooting Cygnus with no problems, 50 2 sec exposures at 3 sec intervals then shot 25 dark frames same exposure and intervals. Pointed the camera straight up to take the flat frames and when I started the sequence the shutter opened but wouldn't close. I thought I maybe touched a button while repositioning the camera or the cold was affecting the batteries. I disconnected the intervalometer and tried to just take them manually but the same thing, shutter opens but doesnt close without pushing the shutter button again. Gave up came inside and messed with the camera a bit to see if I changed something in the dark but no matter where I have the shutter speed at it opens but won't close. Did a factory reset and it works fine again. Reset everything back to what I had and tried again (with the intervalometer) with the same results. Won't close even at 1/4000. Reset again works fine.

Could the intervalometer be messing with the electronics in the camera? Could it be the card? or do I just have a bad intervalometer? Not sure why the shutter would stay open the way it does. Here a basic run down on the settings'

shooting in RAW, manual focus, ISO @1600, Shutter on bulb, AF off on lens, mirror lock up on, long exp NR off, auto shut down off.  Any help would be appreciated.



Welcome to the forum.


If I understand what you are saying the process works OK if you use the shutter button but not with the intervalometer?



John Hoffman
Conway, NH

1D X Mark III, M200, Many lenses, Pixma PRO-100, Pixma TR8620a, Lr Classic


Which intervalometer are you using?  Does it connect to the remote shutter input?

"Enjoying photography since 1972."

Hi John, what's confusing me is that the shutter doesn't close even after disconnecting the intervalometer and just trying to shoot without it. I've had to do a factory reset twice to get the shutter to work correctly. Mostly I don't want to screw up the camera.

It's a Neewer. Worked great at first, and I saw as a recommended item on a couple of different sites.

@msmith1 wrote:
It's a Neewer. Worked great at first, and I saw as a recommended item on a couple of different sites.

It sounds like it is broken, or in need of a battery.  It does plug into the remote shutter port, correct?  If so, I would never plug it into the camera ever again.  Toss it in the garbage before it damages your camera, if it has not done so already.



"Enjoying photography since 1972."

The battery indicator hasn't come on. It runs it's sequence like nothing's wrong. I'll see if it's too late to return it. Its just wierd that it makes the camera act up.

@msmith1 wrote:
The battery indicator hasn't come on. It runs it's sequence like nothing's wrong. I'll see if it's too late to return it. Its just wierd that it makes the camera act up.

Have you tried to reset it?  I might think it it in Bulb mode, and is trying to set a long shutter interval.


Either way, your best bet is probably returning it.  Once gear acts up, I cannot trust it, especially when it is simple gear that acts up.  Vello makes fairly reliable remote shutters.  Be aware that just because it says "Canon" does not mean that it will work with your Rebel.  Rebels have a smaller remote input than mid-range and professional bodies.

"Enjoying photography since 1972."

I've done a reset on the camera, yes. Even switching to 1/4000 after disconnecting it would stay open. I made sure that it mentioned T7i before I bought it but who knows. Thanks for all the comments.

@msmith1 wrote:
I've done a reset on the camera, yes. Even switching to 1/4000 after disconnecting it would stay open. I made sure that it mentioned T7i before I bought it but who knows. Thanks for all the comments.

I had meant resetting the Neweer intervalometer.  In any case, my advice to toss it in the garbage still stands.

"Enjoying photography since 1972."