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image in viewfinder doesn't go lighter or darker on my 7Dmkii


I am not seeing a change in exposure in the viewfinder when I change expposure compensation or aperture setting on my 7Dmkii. I fear I may have hit a button accidently and can't figure it out... help!!!


I don't believe the viewfinder will change...there is only a scale on the right side with an indicator to tell you if the image is too dark or too light. To view the picture simulation, you need to use live view and take a look at the LCD.
Diverhank's photos on Flickr

Oh, okay. Thanks! I guess I was getting confused with my other cameras (that do show exposure change)

@barryshap wrote:

Oh, okay. Thanks! I guess I was getting confused with my other cameras (that do show exposure change)

It could also be the lenses that you're using. A "preset" lens (which most SLR lenses are these days) won't stop down to the selected aperture until you click the shutter. This allows the viewfinder to maintain the full brightness of which the lens is capable. But on some older or cheaper lenses, the aperture will change as soon as it's set, so smaller apertures will make the scene look dimmer.

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania USA

The camera should show you Exposure Simulation in Live View mode.  Check the Camera[5] menu.

"Enjoying photography since 1972."

That is probably it, his other cameras don't have viewfinders.
