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DSLR video rigs


Hey all, just thought I'd introduce you to this website called Cine City. I've bought a steadicam and a shoulder rig from them over the last couple of years, and they seem to have a really huge selection of equipment, and it's reasonably priced too.


Now, shipping did that a little while, beacuse they are based in India, but hey, nothing you can do about that.


I've attached a photo of my latest purchase from them. 




The one I got is called the Film City Shoulder Kit FC-50. Found here


Pretty decently priced and came with heaps of rails, spare screws and mounting plates. The set up I use is more stripped back and basic (for my purposes), but I was able to use the extra parts for a separate wireless monitor rig which was very handy.


In the photo, I have a Canon 5Dmk3, Kamerar viewfinder and a wireless lapel receiving mounted at the back. This is my go to set up for interviews and voxpops.


It was just less than $200 for this kit and it’s done be well, feels sturdy and best of all can be configured into heaps of set ups depending on the shoot.


One concern I have is the weight. After a few hours of shooting, my arms begin to tire out. If it was made from lighter materials (carbon fiber etc), I’d be able to endure longer, but that would mean the rig would be more expensive – so I can’t complain here, besides, it’s a good workout 😃


I’d recommend having a look through their other rigs (they have so many, you might take a while to get through them), because a lot of them look pretty good.




Keen to see everyone else's set ups, and where they got their rigs from. Also a short review would be great!

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