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canon r5


i was having issues with me r5 focusing ,sent it off and it came back with the new firmware update which they was all sorted and fixed but am still having focus issies so doesnt look like it is fixed ,ive tried loads of ef lens on me 80d and they are fine and there having problems with the r5 and me rf 800 f11 having same , not very happy with canon at the moment ,anyone else having problems 



Can you give us more details on the focus issues you are having? Like if it doesn't focus at all, focuses to infinity and won't come back to the subject, the subject is blurry even though the camera says it's in focus, etc.? Also, what type of photography do you shoot and camera mode?


Hi there it struggles to focus on certain things at times with different lens , both ef and me  rf 800 f11 , it does focus at times but then struggles to focus on others , I photograph wildlife mainly, , last week it struggled to focus on a marsh harrier sat on a post , it struggled to focus on fridge and fence , birds , close up and further away , canon said they had fixed it and but the 1.52 update but still same problems, me 80d works fine with the lens am using and quicker than the R5 

Your sincerely

Joe devereux 


Since you will be using an adapter to put your EF glass on the R5, it could be a player.  What brand is this unit?

cheers, TREVOR

The mark of good photographer is less what they hold in their hand, it's more what they hold in their head;
"All the variety, all the charm, all the beauty of life is made up of light and shadow", Leo Tolstoy;
"Skill in photography is acquired by practice and not by purchase" Percy W. Harris

To add to Trevor's question, which focus point(s) are you using? Also which focus mode?

I'm asking because it did take a few sessions before I figured out how best to set up the R5 and R6. I seldom have problems getting focus on birds, from tiny 3 inchers to hawks. BTW, I shoot wildlife also, mostly birds, with the R5 & 6 and RF 100-500mm L.


How the camera is set up for wildlife is both variable and significant.  I have the C1 button assigned to the complete configuration, so that I can easily have the camera ready for this.

I use back button focus and exposure lock, I use single point focus and exposure, along with animal eye tracking.  The camera usually locks on to the animal in question and follows it without an issue. 

I must make the point that NO camera is going to give you a perfect lock every time, with the new technology the hit rate has increased significantly and Canon's system is along with the best, but it's not going to be perfect, especially with an adapter.  I use only the Canon brand adapter, as I have seen some issues with other brands when used for wildlife, which is the most demanding on the speed of focus and aperture comms.

Using EF glass with an RF body introduces a layer of complication into the system.  I use quite a bit of that with my R5 and R6 units, and they work fine, but they are slightly slower than they would be on one of my DSLR bodies.  That is to be expected, as there are a couple of sets of extra contacts in the circuit.

cheers, TREVOR

The mark of good photographer is less what they hold in their hand, it's more what they hold in their head;
"All the variety, all the charm, all the beauty of life is made up of light and shadow", Leo Tolstoy;
"Skill in photography is acquired by practice and not by purchase" Percy W. Harris

Am using single point and in manual mode in servo mode

It's canon own make and I have issues with me rf 800f 11 focusing as well 

Thank you - I saw the Rf 800 and was aware of that.  Much then depends on your focusing methodology.  As the cameras have become more complex, so the options for focus have expanded dramatically.  I have seen  other people using manual mode express issues with using lenses and getting soft focus.
AS AN EXPERIMENT can you please try using Av mode with other settings as they are please?  I am trying to find a scientific method of eliminating the various possibilities.  I realize this may not be your preferred method of shooting, but that's not really the point of this exercise.

cheers, TREVOR

The mark of good photographer is less what they hold in their hand, it's more what they hold in their head;
"All the variety, all the charm, all the beauty of life is made up of light and shadow", Leo Tolstoy;
"Skill in photography is acquired by practice and not by purchase" Percy W. Harris


@joemd2 wrote:

i was having issues with me r5 focusing ,sent it off and it came back with the new firmware update which they was all sorted and fixed but am still having focus issies so doesnt look like it is fixed ,ive tried loads of ef lens on me 80d and they are fine and there having problems with the r5 and me rf 800 f11 having same , not very happy with canon at the moment ,anyone else having problems 

Updating your camera to the most recent firmware is standard practice.  

I am also uncertain what you mean by “focus issues.”  What are you trying to photograph?  How far away is it?  What shooting mode, focusing mode, and AF points are you using?

Can you post a sample photo of a shooting scenario that is giving you trouble?  If it is not in focus, they may be for the better.

"Enjoying photography since 1972."