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What causes custom shooting mode settings to return to their default?

Rising Star

I have custom shooting modes C1 and C2 set to specific settings with auto update disabled. If I change a setting, such as exposure compensation, the exposure compensation resets to the programmed setting (zero) some times and I don't know what I am doing to cause the value to reset to the saved value for the custom shooting mode. I have NOT turned the camera off and my tests indicate that the camera going to sleep does not reset the exposure compensation. My question is, what actions cause the settings I change during a shoot when in a custom shooting mode to reset to the saved values? Thanks.


Thank you for the work around Bazsi. So are saying that when you enable update settings, it does not update the card with the update settings, then why have the feature? That does not make a lot of sense either, where the settings are stored card or C1 dictates whether the enable update settings works or not. Also, I would have to write those settings to my CF express cards and SD cards and I have to manage any changes to my custom settings by writing them to every card I own. The real answer here is have a setting that says, do not reset camera settings when camera goes to sleep. I can can't think of any photographer or form of photography that would want the camera to fight you and your current setting changes when the camera goes to sleep. Having consistency between shots seems paramount and sleep mode disrupts that. I was trying to think of another work around, can you disable sleep mode or make it's timeout for an hour? I will have to look in the settings if this can be done but even if you can, the sleep mode exists to save battery life, and it breaks the users current settings every time it engages, Stupid.

As jrhoffman75 pointed out earlier in this thread, the camera does not "go to sleep". Instead, it automatically turns off. This makes sense when you consider that one of the major disadvantages of a mirrorless camera is the rate at which the battery is depleted when the camera is on. Turning the camera off saves the battery which is very important for many photographers.  You  can disable auto power off under Power Saving on the Tools 2 menu.

Thanks Bazsl, I did not see the other post about not going to sleep. I have changed my auto off till 5 mins. The display/EVF turn of sooner to save power. If you are sitting there trying to shoot birds you may have to wait a while, this is a problem when the settings are loaded after auto shutdown. There should be a setting like... Custom setting should only be reloaded when the camera is turned off and on by the power knob.  That way, auto shut down does not cause reset of settings back to C1 during auto shutdown.
