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Weird shutter issue with t2i




I have a wonderful Canon EOS Rebel t2i that I just love to death. I bought it second hand and have been using it for the past 6 months. Today, I pulled it out to take a picture and the shutter stuck! This happens on M & Av modes, but not on any of the other & automatic modes. I checked the mirror lock and that's not on.


So basically, what happens is:

Camera focuses, I press to take the photo and the shutter makes it's regular sound and closes... and then does not open up again. There is a red light that blinks, the screen is black, and after about 22 seconds, it re-opens and the photo is over exposed.


What is happening? How do I fix it? How did this happen? I am currently traveling and won't be able to take it in for diagnostics immediately. 


Thanks for the help!


f/11 at Av together with ISO 100 in that light condition will need 20 seconds.

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Test it in M mode.  In Av mode, the camera will select a shutter speed based upon the Aperture, ISO, and available light.  A long shutter time could be normal for the conditions. 


Try dialing in the same settings [Shuuter, Apeture, ISO] from the A mode, into manual, and take another test shot.

"Enjoying photography since 1972."

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f/11 at Av together with ISO 100 in that light condition will need 20 seconds.