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Video Monitor Audio Feedback 90D


When using an external video monitor with my 90D the audio will feedback through the monitor. I can not find a way to turn down audio volume going to the monitor only while still using the headphones out. I want to use the headphones so I can monitor the audio. This was not a problem with my prior canon t5i. I suppose I should have purchased an external video monitor with a volume control. Am I missing something?


Product Expert
Product Expert

Greetings J1mmer,

It does not appear that you are missing anything. The EOS 90D camera will output both a video and audio signal through the HDMI terminal. Unfortunately, there is not an option to disable the audio feed through the HDMI cable. Looking into an external monitor that may provide the option to mute audio or turn it down may be the best option in this case,

It is normal that an HDMI signal contains both audio and video; otherwise things like televisions wouldn't work.

So what you need to do is read the manual for your monitor, and figure out how to turn its audio down or off -- there ought to be a way.  If not, consider getting a better monitor.
