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T3i images and video grainy and discolored, possible hardware damage, help!


This is the first time this has happened and it happened right in the middle of the day when some videos were perfect and then all of a sudden once video was problematic, and since then, it hasnt righted itself.  Here are some facts that will help you help me:


  • There were no damages to the camera in that it did not get wet, dropped, temp change, particles, nothing
  • Did not take direct photos of the sun or otherwise extreme photo sources
  • Camera has never shown any signs of degradation or otherwise any problems


The Problem:


Photos AND videos:

  • Look discolored (mostly reddish/purple hues) but not every time, just most times
  • Other times it will be washed out
  • It is almost always grainy
  • View photos attached for better details on this
  • Everything looks bad in the camera LCD display and after downloaded to PC, live and after taking photo



Troubleshooting steps taken and more info to help:


  • Flash and no flash
  • Regular and telephoto lenses
  • ISO from 100 to 3200
  • Every different auto setting, i.e., M, P, A+, Creative, video, etc, etc....
  • Indoor/Outdoor
  • Long and short shutter speeds
  • Using viewfinder and display when taking photo
  • Images look fine if you just look through the glass viewfinder
  • With and without SD card inserted, images look bad on the LCD
  • Tried 2 different batteries, near/full charges



Not sure what else I can try but I am pretty upset about this one, hopefully there's any easy solution?





canon 01.jpgcanon 01.jpg



Those images do not look encouraging.   They look like a failing image sensor.

"Enjoying photography since 1972."

Is that a known issue with EOS?

What are the next steps to correct/fix?

@JMASTERJ wrote:
Is that a known issue with EOS?

What are the next steps to correct/fix?

All camera bodies are likely to fail at some point in time.  Make sure you have a fully charged battery.  

But, it sounds like your sensor is going bad.  Canon will diagnose the problems for you, and send you an estimate for repairs.

"Enjoying photography since 1972."

Ya I forgot to put I tried 2 different batteries as well, both nearly or fully charged, FML, ugh.... there's never a good time to get something fixed for a cost is there....

Thanks for the help though.