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Shutter Speed/ Apperture Trouble Rebel T5i


I'm having trouble with my T5i not balancing out unless the shutter speed is below 1/30.This happens in broad daylight or at night. This means I would have to shoot with my tripod every single time I shoot, also hindering me from catching fast objects. I tried changing my apperture but it does nothing to balance out, at any number. I'm in desperate need of assistance.



@JulieAndrews wrote:

I'm having trouble with my T5i not balancing out unless the shutter speed is below 1/30.This happens in broad daylight or at night. This means I would have to shoot with my tripod every single time I shoot, also hindering me from catching fast objects. I tried changing my apperture but it does nothing to balance out, at any number. I'm in desperate need of assistance.

Not enough info.  What shooting mode are you using?  Have you tried shooting outdoors on a sunny day using P mode?  What focal length lens are you using?


Not sure if the T5i has it, but some Canon DSLRs have a “Safety Shift” feature, which I think is normally disabled.  This feature works like a “semi-automatic” mode, which prevents you from taking bad exposures.  It would be a good idea to use “Reset Back To Factory Defaults” setting in the menus, or whatever the T5i calls it.  


The only way to find the problem is by eliminating possibilities, so try shooting in P mode, and look at the exposure settings.

"Enjoying photography since 1972."


Are you shooting in M (Manual) mode?  If so, see if P mode or Av or Tv mode work. 


You say you changed the aperture.  To what?  Have you tried the lowest f/number your lens will allow?  


Canon 5d mk 4, Canon 6D, EF 70-200mm L f/2.8 IS mk2; EF 16-35 f/2.8 L mk. III; Sigma 35mm f/1.4 "Art" EF 100mm f/2.8L Macro; EF 85mm f/1.8; EF 1.4x extender mk. 3; EF 24-105 f/4 L; EF-S 17-55mm f/2.8 IS; 3x Phottix Mitros+ speedlites

Why do so many people say "FER-tographer"? Do they take "fertographs"?


Whenever you get strange results, re-set the camera to default setting.  In the Menu under Tools also Clear All Settings.


Set the T5i to the full auto green square on the mode dial.  Go outside on a nice day and try it.  Make sure you have the AF/MF switch on the lens set to AF.  Make sure you are shooting jpg and not Raw format.

EOS 1D, EOS 1D MK IIn, EOS 1D MK III, EOS 1Ds MK III, EOS 1D MK IV and EOS 1DX and many lenses.

I've tried Av and Tv and P mode but the shutter speed won't go high enough for me to shoot without a tripod.



Also I'll send my f/stop to the lowest number which is 4.0 or 3.5. Either way it's not showing the image, it just goes black.



I thought reseting everything would've worked but nothing has changed. Also I can't change to AF and Auto Mode because I'm in a photography class at my univrrsoity and we hav to thave certain settings and atuo mode doesn't allow that. 


What lens? Do you have another to try? Look into the lens opening, can you see the Aperture blades? You should not see them unless you are actually taking a shot. (I suspect the Aperture is stuck open)

I'm in manual mode with an iso of 400. I tried changing the ISO number which still didn't help


My f/stop is usually set to 8.0 but either way I go, up or down, the screen stays black.


My shutter speed is usually at anything above 1/80 just because I like capturing things quickly. 


The safety shift i believe was found mostly on Av and Tv not on manula but I looked or it but still couldn't find it. 


P mode doesn't help me get a shutter speed and get a lower aperture without the screen going black and not balancing out.

I tried that. I believed that was the main reason but I ahve three lens and neither one helps.


I don't see any blades either.


Are you trying to use the flash?  What happened when you put the camera in P mode, and went outside in the sunshine?

"Enjoying photography since 1972."