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Rebel T5 Won't turn back on

My boyfriend recently just got the T5. The day we got it, worked perfectly fine, took great pictures the battery was fine. Then the next couple of times trying to turn it on, it wouldn't turn on. So I put the battery on the charger over night and figured it was just dead. Next day put the battery back in, and low and behold it won't turn back on. So we happened to be at Best Buy and we took the camera over to geek squad to see if she could see why it wasn't turning on with a full battery. She pressed all the buttons, and turned it on. (So mad) so, we bought a really good SD card and a backup battery, and now the camera will not turn on no matter what we do to it. I've tried everything from taking the SD card out and changing it, to the battery. So being new to the photography world I don't know if we're just bad at this, or our camera is shot. Any help would be awesome!!

Product Expert
Product Expert

Hi Jessicamendenha,


Thank you for posting.


First, please ensure that the battery compartment cover is fully closed.


Next, after you slide the power switch into the "On" postion, what happens if you press the "Playback" button (this has the blue playback arrow on it)?

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The T5 will power up, turn on, whether it has an SD card in it or not.  So, that is not the cause.  If you tried two different batteries and it still doesn't work, I think we can also eliminate the battery.

Where did you buy it and when?  If it is a reputable store, I would return it for a replacement.  It isn't rocket science on how to turn on a Rebel T5.  I am sure you have done what is needed.  Return it and if you can't, it should have a Canon USA warranty.  Call Canon, talk to them and set up a repair request.


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I had this isssue where the T5i would turn on but then would go off by itself. It seemed like when I removed the battery and put it back in (I have an addon battery grip) it seemed to fix it . But it did it constantly. BUT, I also had a EZ Share Wifi card in it that once I removed it and started using a normal SD Card it hasn't done it sonce. I retried the EZ Share card and sure enough it did it again. Not sure if you have this tyoe of setup but that worked for me. No problem since dropping using a WiFi card.

"(I have an addon battery grip)"


If it is a off-brand grip, remove it also.  They are only trouble. Smiley Sad

EOS 1D, EOS 1D MK IIn, EOS 1D MK III, EOS 1Ds MK III, EOS 1D MK IV and EOS 1DX and many lenses.

My t5 does not turn on. I thought the problem was the battery so I replace it, but it still doesn't turn on. I've also switch memory cards as some suggested, and check that it is correctly closed. It still doesn't turn on. Help please!
