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R5 shows FEC -1 in M shooting mode.


I have noticed this but cannot find a solution. This happens only when shooting in M mode and the FEC is at 0. As soon as I change the FEC in either direction, the corresponding FEC is displayed appropriately. It does not affect my captures at all. I have tried with a 280EX II, Godox  X2T trigger and with 2 different Godox V1s. My software version is the most current 1.7 as of this writing. All other functions between a flash and the display are on point ie: Bounce Flash and non Bounce Flash indications.  20230323_193616.jpg


Haha, we think alike. I was just thinking that. I will back up the settings. I hate to do it though if I'll lose all my presets but it's the next thing.

So I did try it in Fv and Tv and Av. It displays in all the settings. I don't have the others active. However, since I do have 3 "C" settings save, it does not display in either of those 3. This tells me it's a setting I messed with but I don't see where. A full reset will definitely do it I hope but if I restore the settings thereafter, I'm sure I'll just reintroduce the issue so I may have to just write down all my settings and go one by one. I have shoot tomorrow and Sunday so I may not get too far this weekend.

To note: As soon as I change the speedlight's FEC off "0" it's displayed on the camera and the speedlight. 

Will come back and update here when I can. Thank you.


With a clear mind today, I decided to go back into the in-body settings to check the "External Speedlight Control" settings. I don't know how I missed this before but it's right there in the center. I had set the FEC to -1 on my last shoot. I had totally forgotten about it and I couldn't find it. Naturally, I changed it back to "0" and it's all good now.

I'm such a Goober. LOL

Thanks for your assistance.
