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R5 IBIS delay before 100% stabilization?

Curious if others have the same experience. If I handhold the R5 with IBIS on, and just focus on a static object, it takes around 3-5 seconds to get really good stabilization.

It looks like some stabilization prior to that, but with some floating. So I assume it's just running through an algorithm in that time to obtain the super good stabilization. It's only an issue sometimes with subjects like small birds that hop around on branches and don't sit still too long.

I tried on RF 100-500, EF 100-400, and an EF 24-70. All had similar delay until the really good lock. Thanks for any insight to your experiences with IBIS!


Have you upgraded to all latest firmware? I just installed 1.5 on my R6 and it is now AWESOME!


Yes I have firmware 1.5.2 installed. There is still the 3 to 5 second "floating" or searching before full stabilization on my R5. Are you saying that you used to have this experience on the R6 but now it is gone after the firmware update?

Did you ever find a resolution? I have this issue on my R7 and EF 100-400 MKII.

Unfortunately no. I think it's just normal operation for Canon. It's pretty annoying with fast, brief subjects like small birds that are gone 3 seconds after showing up, but I've gotten used to it. Or at least, I accept it I guess. I still get great photos, but much fewer keepers in the first 4 seconds

I have read that IBIS is not used with EF lenses that have built-in IS.

I suspect you are 100% correct. I went to National Camera Exchange this afternoon and tested their copy of the RF 100-500. It had the same delay of 3 seconds that my EF 100-400 MKii has. Seeing how one is RF and one is an adapted EF lens, I was able to rule out the lens as the cause of the issue.

then tried their copy of the Canon R7 against mine. I used all my normal settings that I use for wildlife photography, and theirs I factory reset. The only changes I made to theirs was enabling tracking and Servo AF. Both bodies had different firmwares, my copy is up to date, while their display model is 4 versions out of date. I used my copy of the EF 100-400 MKii on both bodies.

Both bodies had the same delay of 3 seconds. This seems to indicate that it is just how Canon bodies handle the IS. 

Sorry but that it not true. EF lenses with IS do work in tandem with the IBIS in the cameras. 

However there is a greater integration of the two systems with selected RF lenses. 

EOS specialist trainer, photographer and author
-- Note: my spell checker is set for EN-GB, not EN-US --

I don’t know where you supposedly read that, but it’s factually incorrect and you should stop spreading misinformation.

Secondly, and more importantly, what does that have to do with the topic being discussed? 

If you don’t have anything useful to contribute, why post? Honestly, it’s wildly annoying when people go looking for an answer to a problem, such as this, and end up having to sift through nonsense replies that are factually incorrect and not even remotely related to the problem.

You’ve been on here since 2012, you should know better. 



I am curious to know how you are reaching your conclusion about IBIS being delayed for a few seconds.

What are you expecting to happen that doesn’t happen almost immediately?  

I did not reply previously because you did make any mention of shooting conditions or camera settings.  You only named the gear.

IBIS is a crucial part of the AF system.  Image Stabilization’s main function is to present a stable image to the AF system and the viewfinder. Without it, the camera would probably never be able to identify and track eyes, for example.  

"Enjoying photography since 1972."