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R5 Freezing up After Firmware 1.5 Update...


I've heard this is an issue, and I experienced it yesterday while shooting some birds. My R5 locked up about 5 times in a row during one session. Each time I took the battery out and it froze repeatedly. Eventually it stopped, but I was not too pleased. Are others having this issue, is canon going to fix it, and is there a way to go back to version 1.4 as an interim solution?



Ok so I chatted with Canon support today. This was what I was instructed to do:
Reset camera under wrench menu 5 “Basic Settings only”, clear custom functions and custom settings under next menu (camera) 3&5. Turn camera off. Remove battery pack, memory card and lens. Hold down shutter button for 20 seconds. Put battery, memory card and lens back and turn camera back on. I accidentally did not clear custom settings only custom buttons. I have been playing and it seems to be working well at this point. No freezes yet but I won’t have time to put through paces today. I figure if it comes back I will repeat the above while clearing custom settings as i mentioned above I missed that step. Will update this post if I have additional input. I was advised the firmware will of course remain 1.5 after resetting. I won’t get into any technical about what this might or might not be doing as I am just trying to solve this issue with Canons help.


I posted a response below with the method that seems to have saved my problem if you are still having issues.

I just updated above the steps to the fix provided to me by Canon if you want to give it a try.

Thanks. I've only had mine freeze on me the one time so far (froze several times in a row however)...but if it happens again I may try what was suggested. I wonder what the 'fix' does, and whether canon is going to release an update that solves the problem permanently.


I realise one inerestig think... In red menu-under 7 - Image review - set review duration to off and Viefinder review to Disable. Under this settigs I dont have frezzing or locking up on my R5. I hop this will help someone.

Markoney why do you think turning off the image preview will help? Mine still does it even after going back to 1.4. I already had my view finder off and on screen only. I could try to turn off the review but I do want that on. 

I try, and it helps (I never has locking up at 1.4, even Image Review was Enable). I hope Canon will fix this problem, because I need this function sometimes like you do.

That is interesting.  Thanks for sharing.  

I got the R5 in early December. I shoot high school sports and the R5 was regularly freezing on me once a game.

Prior to the last to games, I started low level formatting the CF Express card in the camera. So far, I haven’t had a single freeze since I’ve started doing that. 

Product Expert
Product Expert

Hello cohenfive,

I'm sorry to hear your EOS R5 is freezing and to see that other posters are seeing the issue as well. When a camera is freezing there are a couple of things to check. Sometimes if something attached to the camera is malfunctioning it can cause it to freeze up. 

First try replacing the battery to see if the same thing happens. If the freezing continues try swapping in new memory cards. If that doesn't resolve the issue try attaching a different lens. If the freezing stops after swapping out one of those pieces it indicates that was the cause of the freezing. If the issue continues after swapping out those pieces that is a sign there is an issue with the camera. In that case we would recommend sending the camera in for repair.


