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One of the 4 springs in battery compartment fell off - possible to fix?


Hi guys, just returned back from vacay and got very sad, My working horse Canon Rebel T3 is not turning on. I closely looked and noticed that the battery compartment inside the camera there supposed to be 4 springs that would align with the battery to make a contact and one of the string came off and is missing, therefore, the camera cannot have contact with the battery, hence, no power. Any idea whether it’s something fixable? Or perhaps it will be so expensive that it’s cheaper to buy new Rebel? Any advice will be greatly appreciated.



You really need to call Canon and ask them.


"You really need to call Canon and ask them."


Yes you do!

"Or perhaps ... it’s cheaper to buy new Rebel?"

A T6/T6i would sure be a nice upgrade, cheaper or not. Smiley Very Happy

EOS 1D, EOS 1D MK IIn, EOS 1D MK III, EOS 1Ds MK III, EOS 1D MK IV and EOS 1DX and many lenses.

Is there a substantial difference between T3 and T6? I wasn't extremely happy with T3 to start with but we just went with it without bothering returning or keep researching... So if T6 si kinda similar, maybe it's time to re-consider other models or other brands?

The T6 siblings have a greatly improved sensor, not the 18MP one Canon used for ages.


Since we don't know what you weren't pleased with we cannot really answer, now can we?

@kvbarkley wrote:

The T6 siblings have a greatly improved sensor, not the 18MP one Canon used for ages.


Since we don't know what you weren't pleased with we cannot really answer, now can we?

The Rebel T6 uses an 18MP sensor.  It is a replacement for the T5, and seems to be the same camera, but with the addition of Wi-Fi and a newer version of the CPU. 


The T6i and T6s are the ones that have the 24MP image sensors.

"Enjoying photography since 1972."

"The Rebel T6 uses an 18MP sensor."


The sensor, that so many people are so hung up on, is simply one part of a camera.  There are so many others and some effect the photo as much as the sensor does.  A jump from the T3 to a T6 is going to be quite pleasing for more than the sensor.

EOS 1D, EOS 1D MK IIn, EOS 1D MK III, EOS 1Ds MK III, EOS 1D MK IV and EOS 1DX and many lenses.

@ebiggs1 wrote:

"The Rebel T6 uses an 18MP sensor."


The sensor, that so many people are so hung up on, is simply one part of a camera.  There are so many others and some effect the photo as much as the sensor does.  A jump from the T3 to a T6 is going to be quit pleasing for more than the sensor.

I was just correcting the suggestion that all Rebel T6x designated cameras use the same sensor.  They do not.


IMHO, if the OP has outgrown the T3, functionality-wise, then the OP has most likely already outgrown the T5/T6 camera bodies, too, if not the entire Rebel lineup.

"Enjoying photography since 1972."

Well, I am very not expert photography gig, I am simple family using it for simple photography. Vacation and our kid mostly and I never use any T3 functions because basically each picture in order to come up nice you have to play with settings which drive me nuts. So I don't use any functions there at all, I only use No flash mode for all my shooting and sometimes A-Dep if it's too dark. I find Night regime is aweful and I am simply against using flash at any time because pics look arteficial. I know you experts will yell at me because flesh is one of the most important but I just don't have time to play with all of that stuff when I need to catch my kid in the motion which is almost always blurry. I would like a camera that does it all for me and pictures are not blurry, very crisp, the colours are true and very nice. I find T3 doesn't do any of it, nature is far more vibrant that the pictures on the camera, my kid is almost always blurry when in motion and I don't want to bother playing with any settings. With this camera I need to check on every single picture after I shot it to make sure that it's crisp. Based on this, what do you think I need to be satisfied? It would be nice to have video shooting as well that wouldn't take too much size.....

Sorry, no more A-Dep on newer cameras. You are the only one I have heard that uses it!


The new T6 has better AWB under artifical lighting.


The T6S has the better video focus and the T6S and T6i are better at night.
