Need to monitoru sound when DSLR recording with Canon M50 with no headphone jack


Hi All, We  use lalavlier mics to record video subjects but they cna be accidenntaslly tuend off and lose audio and not know it. We bought this adapter 


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based on this YT video <Link removed per Forum Guidelines>


but the HDMI on this adapter is regfular size so it wonlt fit the micro (?) HDMI on the Canon. Is ther some kinf of a male HDMI adapter that would fit this adapter on oen end to the Camer'as micro HDMI and on the otehr end will fit this appranrelty "femal" HDMI" on the other end?


Thank you!



I usually use a micro HDMI to HDMI cable.

Note though, that you still won't be able to monitor the sound. Generally, the sound is turned off during recording to prevent feedback issues. The only thing you can do is get a mixer and monitor that way before it gets into the camera, or watch the level meter.

Thank you for your post.


If we can't hear the audio recording so we know sound is being recorded then how would this adapter be helpful?


Thank you again,

You asked two questions, one about the adapter, the other about sound recording.


Canon's without headphone jacks do not allow monitoring of recording audio, probably for feedback reasons. You need to monitor before it gets to the camera, hence a mixer.


Or use a Zoom or equivalent and combine audio in post.

I found one YT vidoes suggestign this adapter scenario can work but you must modifty settings in the Camera as the viewfinder will go darkonce you connect the adapter to the micro-HDMI port.


Have you ever tired that with a Canon DLSR?


This seems a better option albeit $300 as we're tight on budget.


Saramonic Blink 500 Pro B2 2-Person Digital BLINK500PROB2 B&H (


Your toughts are appreciated.

Nope, I just don't monitor sound when I take video.
