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My next camera


Hello guys, I have the 1100d almost 2 years, and 2 lenses. Now I want to step up to a full frame camera. I looked up CNET reviews, but I wanna be 100 percent sure so I need your opinion- I looked up reviews for the 70d and it looks like a pretty great camera, do you recommend it ?

FYI- I shoot landscapes and nature. I don't care about video mode at all, i'm all about photography.

Thanks in advance !


@idanidan123 wrote:
I'm thinking about stepping into the semi-pro or pro DSLR. I'm pretty OK with complicated or sophisticated, I just want something better than what I have now. I own my 1100D for well over 2 years.

I'd recommend one of Canon's "pro-sumer" models, like the 80D, 6D or 7D2, in addition to an upgrade in your post processing software.  I have found Adobe's Lightroom to be an extremely versatile tool for developing digital negatives into JPEGs.  Post processing, the digital darkroom, is where half the magic happens.




That is the before.  It's a 30 second exposure of last night's Hunter's Moon, rising over Long Island Sound, NY.  And, here is the after. 




I increased the exposure by 3.5 EV.  I needed a longer exposure when I took the shot, but I didn't think to bring my intervalometer.  And, I wanted to take the shot at ISO-100 with the 6D.

"Enjoying photography since 1972."

@idanidan123 wrote:
So what do you think is the best camera for me? I don't care about video, I sometimes take night shots, mostly landscapes and street and people. FF could be a really awesome experience, but starting with crop sensor is nice too. What would you recommend for me??

Several of us have told you what they thought you should buy, and we've laid out the options as clearly as we can. But your requirements are so squishy, and your indecisiveness so disabling, that therre's really little more that we can say. Until you can begin to articulate how your current equipment is failing you, you're probably better off saving your money. My personal opinion, for what it's worth, is that you should keep your options open by gradually upgrading your lenses, buying only those that will work on a FF camera. But I freely concede that my understanding of your actual needs, if any, is still pretty vague.

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania USA

@TTMartin wrote:
A lens upgrade would do more for you than a new camera. You have very old lenses that weren'the the best even when they were new. Lenses have progressed just as much as cameras.

I would usually agree with TTMartin on this point.  A lens upgrade can make a world of difference, which is why I posted the landscape photos shot with the Rokinon 14mm.  I would have gotten very similar results had I used my T5.  The Rokinon 14mm is surprisingly good for its' asking price.  I could buy 3 or 4 of them for the asking price of an 80D.


But, I also feel that your camera body is getting left behind, technology wise.  The current crop of Canon DSLRs are a pretty significant technological leap over your current camera.  With that said, the improved camera technology will mercilessly reveal all of the shortcomings of your current lenses.

"Enjoying photography since 1972."

OK, thank you all for your answers !
I'll figure out my next move. Thanks !


His lenses are twice as old as his camera.

What makes a Pro isn't the camera it is first and foremost the photographer, then the lenses, and bringing up the rear the camera.

Even if the OP got the top of the line Pro 1DX Mk II, with his current lenses it wouldn't make much of a difference.

Someone who simply states they want a Pro camera probably shouldn't get one. Pro cameras are harder to use for the relatively inexperienced photographer. They are highly customizable for the Pro which for most all but the most experienced photographers mean they are easy to mess up.

To the OP

Skip the idea of a full frame camera. Buy good EF-S lenses for your current camera. Only then will you see how much better your current camera is then you believe. When you truly need a new camera you won't have to ask on an Internet forum which one you should get.
