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M50 screen not responding to touch

A couple of weeks ago, I noticed that that screen on my M50 was not responding to touch. Nothing appears damaged but, I suspect it's a software issure because pulling the battery out for a few seconds seems to resolve the issue.... For a while.

Anyone else have this issue? Thanks in advance.

Product Expert
Product Expert

Hey Charlie,


This might be the touch screen setting in the bottom left corner of your screen, I noticed that I sometimes turn mine off by accident too. In the bottom left corner you should see a small icon that looks like the back of your camera and it might say "OFF" over it. touch this part of the screen and the touch functions should change. There's also a section in the manual (linked below) that explains some of the mroe advanced touch operations as well in case you're interested in customizing the camera a little more to your liking.


Hope this helps, have a great weekend!



Thanks for the response but, that's not the issue. Another thing I noticed is that the problem doesn't happen until I bring the camera to my eye, causing the proximity sensor to switch the screen off and the eyepiece on. Once I take the camera away from my face, allowing the sensor to turn the screen back on, the screen then becomes unresponsive. The screen also becomes unresponsive to touch if I accidentally move my hand too close to the proximity sensor, causing the screen to shut off. Once it comes back on, it's unresponsive. From here, I went into the menu and turned off the sensor and assigned the activity if switching between the screen and eyepiece to a button on top of the camera. The problem persisted: One I switched the screen back on, it was unresponsive to touch. I hope this additional information helps.

Hi Charlie1173,


Thanks for you response.


Does the screen become unresponsive after you've fired several shots? In that case, the camera's buffer might have filled up. During that time, the camera might become temporarily unresponsive as the images transfer from the buffer to the memory card.


If the touch screen remains unresponsive even when you haven't fired several shots at a time, then you may wish to consider your service options.


The service options will vary depending on your location and are subject to change, so I would suggest that you email to get the latest repair details for your area:


I'm planning to send it in for repairs. I've owned about 15 Canon cameras in this is the first time I've encountered a problem like this. Thanks for your response.

The sensor that blanks the screen is located by the rubber piece that is on the viewfinder.  Make sure the rubber piece is fully and properly seated.  It slides off in an upward direction.  Push down on the top of it to make sure it is in its’ proper place.

"Enjoying photography since 1972."

I appreciate the comment but, it appears to be a deeper issue than that. I've tried everything I can think of, including reinstalling the software, resetting the camera, different battery, different card, cleaning the sensor, cleaning the screen, etc. No luck.