Losing settings on power off except in Auto




I recently upgraded from a T3i to the T7i.

I want the Program exposure setting to remain at a couple of ticks darker all the time.  It resets when I power off the camera while in Program mode, the T3i did not do this.  Is this a setting somewhere, I can't find it?  Oddly if I change to Auto and power off it keeps the setting for Program.

Thank you


Not on the Rebel that I can see.

@FGT wrote:

Nah, because if I adjust Program mode down a couple of ticks I can change locations and lighting and it doesn't remove that "setting" it keeps it where I had it.  Only if I power off does it normalize.  Plus T3i didn't reset.  Why would they eliminate this capability when there are no custom modes in Rebel, it was kind of a cheat for a custom.  At least they could have made it in the settings to keep or reset settings on exit.  Maybe I should have gotten a Sony.

Yeah.  I think you are mistaken.  Tell us,  What "settings" are changing?  I have assumed that it is exposure.


Switch ISO out of Auto.  Set it to 400.  Program mode follows a specific exposure "program" formula to determine the exposure settings.  It is always possible that Canon changed the curve, but I seriously doubt it.


BTW, your threat to buy a Sony is laughable.  You're not the first person, nor the last, to do that.  "If I don't get an answer, then I will go buy a Sony."  Go for it, I say.  If you're getting rid of your Canon, what is the point in continuing?  Let's end this discussion Here and now.  It is your call.

"Enjoying photography since 1972."

This is how Program mode works.  The exposure settings will always fall somewhere along that dark line.  Note this curve is for ISO 100.  Different ISO values will follow the Exposure Triangle to come up with new exposure settings.undefined

"Enjoying photography since 1972."

He is in P as far as I can tell, and it is exposure compensation that is changed.

I wasn't threatening to buy a Sony, only commenting that maybe I should have.  


Thanks for trying to help but I'm convinced this is a bug.  I will check to make sure my firmware is updated.



My camera is a Rebel SL2. I NEVER turn the power off except to change a lens, battery, or SD card. I don't notice any significant battery loss between uses. I think I'm set to Auto Power Off at 1 minute. I also don't know if there's a difference between physically turning the power off via the switch and Auto Power Off. But, I don't notice any settings lost between uses.

in Davie, FL

@FGT wrote:

Nah, because if I adjust Program mode down a couple of ticks I can change locations and lighting and it doesn't remove that "setting" it keeps it where I had it.  Only if I power off does it normalize.  Plus T3i didn't reset.  Why would they eliminate this capability when there are no custom modes in Rebel, it was kind of a cheat for a custom.  At least they could have made it in the settings to keep or reset settings on exit.  Maybe I should have gotten a Sony.

Okay.  And the very moment that you press the shutter to start the metering system at the new location it changes.  Your previous settings are now gone.  This is not a bug.  

"Enjoying photography since 1972."