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Is this normal for the SL2? Chromatic Aberration


Hello! I recently purchased a canon sl2 from an eBay seller. However upon further inspection is appears that any images with direct sunlight have major chromatic aberrations. Pretty sure it's not my lens because I also have another lens and it does the same exact thing. The lenses I am shooting with are the canon 50mm 1.8 STM and the Canon 24MM 2.8 STM. I contacted the eBay seller directly and they had mentioned that my camera came with a two year warrarnty, however they shipped from China and I don't neccesarily want to go through the struggle of shipping it off if this a is a normal thing that happens with this camera. Here is the link that gives a small demonstation I created in lightroom. Note this is not the only instance, this also happens with different scenes. Pretty much any bright sunlight regardless of my aperature and shutter speed settings seem to result in the same artifacting. I have also tried ND filters as well. 


Thank you so much! I sense of a lot of toxicity on the Canon forums towards new photographers. 😕 
Than you for all your helpful information that is guiding me in the proper path! I don't think everyone understands what it's like as a college student to shell out your hard earned money for camera gear just starting out and having to support yourself at the same time. (Will not take out a loan for expensive equipment or make payments on a camera) 

Thank you for your response. 
In terms of video, I do understand it's limitations, but it's what I could afford while I am in school. This has helped me shoot quite a few music videos, and portraits as it is, will be upgrading once I can afford to pay myself more from my gigs. 

If you ever travel back to this forum, I would still like recommendations on a body that's the same price, but better for video
Thank you! 

@qfertig wrote:

If you ever travel back to this forum, I would still like recommendations on a body that's the same price, but better for video
Thank you! 

.... then you want a camcorder, not a DSLR.

"Enjoying photography since 1972."

It seems for the price I paid for the body, I cannot find a camcorder that has the same image sensor or set of features.. I was speaking in relevance to the comment "you did not choose the best camera for video". This DSLR far exceeds any camcorder for the same price in terms of video quality and image quality.. 

@qfertig wrote:

This DSLR far exceeds any camcorder for the same price in terms of video quality and image quality.. 

Obviously not, or you wouldn't be here.

@qfertig wrote:

It seems for the price I paid for the body, I cannot find a camcorder that has the same image sensor or set of features.. I was speaking in relevance to the comment "you did not choose the best camera for video". This DSLR far exceeds any camcorder for the same price in terms of video quality and image quality.. 

That rembark was made by someone else, so I am not going to comment on it.


You are beginning to sound like you want that $30,000 camera for $300 again.  The Chromatic Aberration is created by the lens, not the recording device.  Using the same lens on a different body will not improve things.

I can relate to wanting to have a “complete” collection of gear.  You feel a sense of urgency.  It leads to poor purchasing decisions.  “Get It Now” is given a priority over “Buy It Right The First Time.”

"Enjoying photography since 1972."