Indoor Kitten Photos-need help


Hi! I'm a kitten foster and am constantly needing to take indoor photos to post for adoption and many times this is in lower light and my subjects are in constant motion. I do try to get them near windows for natural lighting which doesn't always work and they CANNOT be brought outside. I have no idea what I'm doing as it seems nothing works. I have a rebel t3i and the standard kit lens, a canon 50 f1.8, a sigma 24-70 f2.8 and a canon 75-300 f/4-5.6. 


I haven't used my camera in about 3 years and have forgotten everything. Need to know what lens to use, settings/mode and other details. Typically I need to fairly close to them to position and for safety. Thanks!



@daniellem2141 wrote:

Hi! I'm a kitten foster and am constantly needing to take indoor photos to post for adoption and many times this is in lower light and my subjects are in constant motion. I do try to get them near windows for natural lighting which doesn't always work and they CANNOT be brought outside. I have no idea what I'm doing as it seems nothing works. I have a rebel t3i and the standard kit lens, a canon 50 f1.8, a sigma 24-70 f2.8 and a canon 75-300 f/4-5.6. 


I haven't used my camera in about 3 years and have forgotten everything. Need to know what lens to use, settings/mode and other details. Typically I need to fairly close to them to position and for safety. Thanks!

Check out the first video series, EOS 101, in this thread I recently created.

"Enjoying photography since 1972."

I just went through the youtube videos, very helpful! What lens do you think is best to start with for these critters?

probably the sigma.
