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I Dropped my Camera


Hello,couple of days ago i dropped my camera and untill that point my camera worked only part removed from the camera was the battery door,other than that just a scratch on the body,and then i put back the camera door and also the battery firmly placed,but still it won't turn on,i would greatly appreciate your ideas that  might get it to work,thank you in advance



I have a Canon EOS Digital Rebel XTi camera which just stopped working.....dead as a door nail!   I had gone outside; took some pictures; came back into the house and tried to turn it on to view some of them and it was dead!  Just like that.  I looked for micro switches; changed batteries; removed the card and replaced it; removed the card and the battery and held down the shutter release button for 15 seconds; and all to no avail.   Any other suggestions?  Sure would be appreciated.  The camera takes very nice pictures and works like a dream when working of course! 

It has been a good run, but:


Thanks KVBarkley but I think I will try mouth to mouth resusitation first.  Smiley Happy   Really, I will disassemble it starting at the  power and move through the camera checking to see where the power stops.   Then if that doesn't work I will take your advice.   Sigh!
