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How do i check shutter count on 5d mk3


How do i check shutter count on 5d mk3. Someone said it was available on the utilities disc, but i can't find it.



112 REPLIES 112

Oh contraire sir- it does matter what I think and say. Voices and opinions do matter. For an individual to remark that another person's voice or opinion does not matter is indignant and trite.

This shouldn't require a service, or paid service whatsoever. I don't want to pay... I paid them $3200 for the camera and another 7K in glass... no, I don't want to give them one more dime. Ever!

Rising Star
I have been sending my gears to Canon for repair and service when necessary.

Paying ten of thousands to buy your gears doesn't mean they will last for ever and you can have free service from Canon.

It's not just Canon. BTW.

@wthatcher wrote:
Oh contraire sir- it does matter what I think and say. Voices and opinions do matter. For an individual to remark that another person's voice or opinion does not matter is indignant and trite.

Look, you brought it up; don't shoot the messenger. A buyer who seriously cares about the shutter count isn't going to take your word for it. You may not like that, but you're very unlikely to change it.


BTW, it's "Au", not "Oh". Don't use foreign words you can't spell; it just makes you look silly. There are people in this forum who can actually read and speak French.

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania USA

Rising Star
Calm down. You have what you want here for free. Just enjoy taking pictures.

You just refuted your own argument "When necessary". This is not necessary to send in for service.

The word contraire defined in the English language is "opposite" and is borrowed from the French language, my use of "Oh' is a stop and pause usage. To look foolish is the one who attempts to embarrass or draws ones attention away from them-self. Again I will state that I doubt you are the ordained authority on what one person or another should care, how much they should care "seriously" care about.

Yet another person trying to impose their opinion on another's behavior- I never said or implied I was upset, only defending my opinion. You appear to not like the rebuttal to your answers so you resort to making the other person, in this instance, me to appear as if I have acted inappropriately... definitely a tactic used to try and misdirect the attention to something off-topic.

Rising Star
When you have other choices and you feel conformable, then you can opt not to send in for service. In the case of SC, I find it more than easy to handle it myself.

I have the skill and experience to open up cameras and lenses to do repair myself. But there are times when special equipment and techniques are required and l need Canon''s help, I will definitely pay for the repair/service.

Rising Star
Time to go out to enjoy the beautiful weather now. No more wasting time here discussing a meaningless argument.