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Help: R100 Auto Rotate not working when turned on and working when turned off


Title tells the tale. When taking photos on my new R100 I noticed that the photos were not being rotated to display correctly as they were taken in the viewfinder. When looking in the settings and noticing that the Auto Rotate had always been on I became more confused and as a test turned the setting off only to find that change enabling the auto rotate rather than disabling it like the name and manual suggest. It doesn't seem to be a negative yet but I'm unsure if it may cause an issue down the line when importing photos as they may not be flagged to be rotated when imported. It is also just contrary to logic and the instructions so I was looking for a little help. Does anyone know how to fix this or have a similar experience? 

EOS R100 



There should be separate settings in the sub-menu that allow you to define when the photo is auto rotated.  In the camera, in the computer, Both, or not at all.

"Enjoying photography since 1972."

Correct, but why would it rotate when the setting is off but not when the setting is on in either capacity? Seems counter to how it's stated in the manual.

One thing that affects the reliability of the auto rotate function is aiming the camera straight down. In this position the rotate sensor does not function well and may alternate between rotated or not even doing a series of frames taken in a burst. You will have the most reliability of the auto rotation when the camera is held with the back and 90 degrees to the ground - ie in front of your face when standing. 

EOS specialist trainer, photographer and author
-- Note: my spell checker is set for EN-GB, not EN-US --

Understood, that being said that is not the issue in my case. All photos were taken in a typical fashion and that still does not explain how the settings and their effects line up opposite to their instruction in the manual. Does you auto rotate turn off when turned on and vice versa? I am simply at a loss that I can find seemingly NO ONE else on the internet who has had a similar issue.

One thing to note, is that when auto rotate is turned off images do not have orientation info saved in them. 

With the camera set to the default "On camera + computer" then the camera rotation info is saved in the image file, and the camera reads that to determine if the image should be rotated on the LCD screen, and most computer programs will also rotate it.

The second option is "On computer" and with this the rotation info is saved in the image file and will be used by a computer program, but the camera ignores it. I use this setting all the time myself as I shoot many portrait frames and I prefer that the images fill the LCD screen when I play them back rather than be small with black bars down the sides.

 The last option is OFF and when you choose this no rotation info is stored. Pictures will not be rotated on the camera or computer. If you use this setting and take a portrait orientated image it will still fill the LCD but if you then change to the first On camera + computer setting the image ill not be rotated on the screen.


EOS specialist trainer, photographer and author
-- Note: my spell checker is set for EN-GB, not EN-US --