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Getting horizontal color banding on photo files on EOS 1Ds Mark II


I recently turned over my EOS 1Ds Mark II to my youngest son, having replaced this with a 5D Mark III 4 years ago.  In taking some shots, he has noticed a horizontal color banding on landscape orientation shots, which I am at a loss to explain.  I purchased this old workhorse back in 2001 and submited it to Canon Repair in May 2006 for a totally different type of vertical banding, which I was told due to a defective CMOS controller problem.  This is the image my on sent to me:


XO9K5689.jpg   I have reduced it to 30% in Lightroom CC, as he sent it to me in a large format.


Any help is appreciated to propose some possibilities for the noise and how to proceed on solving the issue.


Remove the both batteries and turn on the camera without batteries to try to reset the camera. install the main battery again after a couple of hours and power up. Out of ideas after that. Time for a new camera I suppose.

@Ukieboy wrote:

He has not cleaned the camera.  I was about to send him the cleaning supplies, but after he reported the problem, I have held off.  I live in Hawaii, on the Leeward Coast (dry climate) of O'ahu, where with trade winds, the humidity rarely exceeds 85%.  This is a very temperate climate for a camera of this ruggedized contruction. The camera was kept in a closet in the coolest room, on the north, shaded side of my condo.  Temperatures range from 65-80°F in that room.  


My son lives in Santa Fe, New Mexico.  Temps there range from 20-85°F at 7,200 ft elevation with greater variation in wind, humidity, temperature, and types of precipitation/snow.  The camera has only been in his possession for 3+ weeks.  He has since stored it in his condo in low humidity (<80%) with indoor temps in the 68-72° range, except for the brief periods in which he captured the photos.  I sent him a PDF file of the large manual and he was beginning to try to master the basic and intermediate settings.

85% humidity and temperatures rising and falling from 65-80 degrees is ideal for condensation. 


Ruggedized and weather sealing has very little impact on 2 years of rising and falling temperatures in relatively high 85% humidity. 


Any contamination left from your last wet cleaning, would act as a magnet for condensation and those areas that attracted the condensation would get further contaminated getting worse and worse over 2 years.. 


Have your son take a photo of blue sky at f/22 and see what it looks like. 


My guess is it just needs another sensor cleaning. 

I have a fresh cleaning kit being delivered to him this week. I have talked him through the cleaning procedure and will reinforce the lesson this weekend. I will have him post some sky shots at f/22.

Had my son try this, to no avail. Both batteries removed and camera turned to the "on" position for over 2 hours. He even used the AC adapter to power up and took several shots ... all had the same color banding. 😞

Canon apparently stopped supporting this model in 2012. He is researching other large repair companies who may do a diagnostic on it. We appreciate all of the suggestions and will continue to post subsequent findings.

@Ukieboy wrote:
Had my son try this, to no avail. Both batteries removed and camera turned to the "on" position for over 2 hours. He even used the AC adapter to power up and took several shots ... all had the same color banding. 😞

Canon apparently stopped supporting this model in 2012. He is researching other large repair companies who may do a diagnostic on it. We appreciate all of the suggestions and will continue to post subsequent findings.

I hope I'm not being unreasonable, but I think that if you charge $8000 for a camera, you ought to support it for the lifetime of the purchaser.

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania USA

Robert .... I happen to agree with you, wholeheartedly !! When I bought the camera, it was their flagship model and I would expect, as a loyal Canon user, I would merit more support than I've received. I must say, when I talked with their reps at CES every year, their positivity was never matched by their actions when I needed support. Not sure what the experience is with Nikon. Now the only option seems to be the after-market repair companies who actually may have the appropriate parts to effect a repair. I'd hate to think that we now own an $8,000 paperweight !!!

A replacement camera in EX condition is available from KEH for $250-$350.

TTMartin ..... Mahalo for the reference. I contacted them this morning regarding a diagnostic exam of the camera. I will speak with the primary tech when he returns next week and have my son submit it for eval and possible repair.

Good afternoon This post was written a long time ago, but it is literally my last hope, tell me, did you manage to solve the problem with your camera?
